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他于1997年去世,享年92岁。He died in 1997, at 92.

乔安娜·范多娃于1981年去世,享年80岁。She died in 1981 at age 80.

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特科于星期五逝世,享年96岁。Terkel died Friday. He was 96.

本·富兰克林于1790年去世,享年八十四岁。Ben Franklin died in 1790 at 84.

雅诗。兰戴于2004年去世,享年97岁。Estee Lauder died in 2004 at 97.

好莱坞老牌演员保罗·纽曼去世,享年83岁。Actor Paul Newman dies at age 83.

他死于1679年,享年91岁。He died in 1679 at the age of 91.

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罗伯特•伯德逝世,享年92岁。Robert Byrd died at the age of 92.

赫本于1993年去世,享年63岁。She died in 1993 at the age of 63.

1604年,弗兰茨去世,享年47岁。In 1604, Ferenc died at the age of 47.

马尔济斯,母,享年17岁。Maltese, female, she was 17 years old.

谢泼德逝世于1998,享年74岁。Shepard died in 1998 at the age of 74.

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伯恩斯先生于2000年9月11日去世,享年87岁。Mr. Byrnes, 87, died on Sept. 11, 2000.

罗尔丹两周前去世,享年45岁。Roldan died last week at the age of 45.

那位演员过世时享年五十四岁。The actor passed away at the age of 54.

本周一山口疆辞别了人世,享年93岁。Yamaguchi died Monday at the age of 93.

鲍勃马利死于癌症,享年36岁,时年1981年5月11日。He died of cancer, aged 36, on 11 May 1981.

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“蓝精灵”的创造者皮尤于1992年去世,享年64岁。The cartoonist Peyo died in 1992 at age 64.

她享年77岁,比她的丈夫还长一岁。She was 77, one year older than her husband.

好莱坞女星凯瑟琳·赫本去世,享年96岁。Hollywood legend Katharine Hepburn dies at 96.