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黄土回归。Loess regression.

花点时间回归自然。Spend time in nature.

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乐曲的主题回归了The theme comes back.

茅塞顿开,回归自然。Has a return to nature.

我曾经迷失但现在已经回归了正途。I was lost but now am found.

下一个部分是回归I want to move to regression.

翻开故往,回归故往。Turn the old, return to them.

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而回归之路也是十分艰辛的。But the road back is also tough.

澳门于1999年不谈政治说英语早日回归祖国怀抱祖国。Macao came back to China in 1999.

回归,自然的福址,城市的别墅。Return to the natural city villa.

为什么回归单相睡眠?Why the return to monophasic sleep?

我是说所有相关的回归测试。I said all relevant regression tests.

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在歌声里,我似乎回归了。In the song, I seem to have reverted.

在65家上榜中国和香港公司中,有21家是去年落榜后今年回归。Of those 65, 21 return from last year.

澳门回归祖国已经十周年。Aomen has returned China for ten years.

神秘瀑布镇回归之日近了。A return to Mystic Falls really is near.

让我们期待囧哥的强势回归!Let's expect Brother. Jiong strong return!

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市场调节已经失效,政府控制在回归。Markets have failed and the state is back.

由于某些恐怖的命运,奥库斯回归了。Through some terrible fate, Orcus returned.

它恳求和平与仁慈的回归。It pleaded for peace and kindness to return.