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我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。We were victims of a hit and run driver.

那个驾车肇事后逃跑的司机已被看押起来了。The hit-and-run driver has been in custody.

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两辆肇事货车的司机已经被逮捕。The drivers of both vans have been arrested.

在中国,一个交通肇事逃逸致死案展露阶级愤怒In China, hit-and-run death exposes class anger

警方正在追捕肇事逃逸者Police are hunting for the hit-and-run culprit.

撞车后,肇事车辆掉头就跑。After the crash, the vehicle to turn tail and run.

周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident on Monday.

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周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。I was a victim of a hit-and-run acccident on Monday.

周一发生了一起肇事逃逸案,我是其中的受害者。I was a victim of a hit- and -run accident on Monday.

警官立即呼叫警长,肇事车立即被警车团团围住。Hearing this the officer immediately called his captain.

它最初说的是一个22岁醉酒驾车肇事逃逸的司机。It was first said by a drunk 22-year-old hit-and-run driver.

肇事机器涉及一部便携式打磨机。The machine involved in the accident was a portable grinder.

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车祸的肇事车本主儿已驾车逃跑。The person who caused this accident drove away in their car.

该词也可以指肇事逃逸司机。The term “hit-and-run” may also be applied to such a driver.

据圣荷西水星报报道,肇事司机尚未被逮捕。The driver of the pickup was not arrested, the Merc reported.

这是一个22岁的酒后驾驶肇事青年说出的话。It was first uttered by a drunk 22-year-old hit-and-run driver.

警方证实这起车祸是肇事逃逸事件。The police verified that this car accident was a Hit- and -Run.

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这是一起撞人后逃离现场的事故。肇事司机已经逃离了现场。This was a hit-and-run accident. The driver had fled the scene.

NFL球手,2000年卷入一桩交通肇事案被捕。NFL player, was arrested in 2000 involved in a Traffic Accident.

基本原则规定了处理交通肇事规则.The guidelines lay down rules for dealing with traffic offences.