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来跟我们分享影响您的名言佳句吧!Any quote that inspires you, share with us here!

我想这是我一生听过最美,最动人的佳句!I think this is the life I have heard the most beautiful and moving Couplets !

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他喜欢用这些名言佳句来鞭策自己。He likes to encourage himself with these famous words and meaningful sentences.

他的作品既不遮遮掩掩,又不追求满是好词佳句的华丽。His work is not secretive, not the pursuit of gorgeous full of good word sentences.

结果,我发现收获颇丰,书中关于沉默、倾听、祈祷和敬畏等的佳句俯拾皆是。As a result, I have pages and pages of quotes—about silence, listening, prayer and awe.

李煜留在世间的词不多,大概三十几首,但是佳句颇多。Li Yu to remain in the world, the word small, perhaps three dozen or so first, but a lot of lines.

在唐朝,当时,很多诗人都留下了歌颂明月的佳句。In the Tang dynasty. At that time, a lot of poets wrote down many beautiful lines singing the moon.

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广告的语言文字或引用诗词佳句,或化用诗歌中惯用的修辞手法来进行撰写。Second, advertising language or quote poetry Jiaju, or use of poetry in the usual rhetorical approach to writing.

对白能给作品带来戏剧性和激情,一段精彩的对白甚至能被读者当做经典佳句广为传颂。Dialog will bring drama and intense emotion to your book and, if done properly, could even be quoted by your readers.

于是写下了千古传诵,脍炙人口的佳句“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”。So wrote a widely read through the ages, famous lines, "the Green River south bank of the spring again, when the moon as I also."

牛峤词的整体成就虽不高,但佳句不少,还影响到了以后的一些词作名家。Although his Ci Verses's overall achievement is not high, but the beautiful line many, but also affected the later some renowned excellent poet.

杜甫尝到了春酒和宜宾的特产荔枝,即兴咏出“重碧拈春酒、轻红擘荔枝”的佳句。Du fu taste the spring liquor and yibin specialty of litchi, impromptu wing out "the heavy green spring liquor, light red when lots of litchi" lovers.

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因此,最好的书是词汇之佳句,思想之瑰宝,最值得去怀念,去珍藏,是我们永远的伴侣和慰籍者。Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.

大家现在来到的是“元妃荷园”,据说自古赏花之人常会于此,留下不少绝同佳句。Now we are at the Yuanfei Park. It is said that many lotus viewers always gathered here from of old and left some famous words and meaningful sentences.

距今已有1500年历史的禅宗祖庭南华禅寺内,至今留有不少名人、高僧所撰题的妙联佳句。As the birthplace of Zen sect, Nanhua Temple has a history of 1500years. In the temple, there exist many amazing couplets written by celebrities and eminent monks.

在著作权消灭之前,你甚至不能在没有出版社同意的情况下引用你自己的书里面的意义深长的名言佳句,而且你会发现你正在给予出版社这样做的权利。During this time, you can't even quote significant portions of your own writing without permission from the publisher, and you could find yourself paying the publisher for the rights.