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目前,这对准夫妻还没有定下婚期。The couple have not set a wedding date.

我可不喜欢漫长的订婚期。Mingott? Iwasn't made for long engagements.

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她们的婚期还没定下来。They HAsn't set a date to theirs wedding yet.

我是说真的,她们的婚期都定下来了,就在这个礼拜日。I mean it, they're scheduled to get married on Sunday.

他们登报宣布了他们婚期。They announced the date of their wedding in the newspaper.

静琬回到了自己的生活中,和建璋的婚期临近了。Static Wan back to his life, and the building of Zhang wedding is near.

Veronica说她不知道,也许他们应该推迟婚期。Veronica says that she’s unsure and maybe they should postpone it for now.

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爱玛和奈特利先生只敢把婚期定在十月份。The intermediate month was the one fixed on, as far as they dared, by Emma and Mr.

男友莱斯尼克并非圈内人,而是一名戒瘾专家,婚期尚未确定。Cuoco and Resnik, who works as an addiction specialist, have yet to set a wedding date.

他们同意马上结婚,可由于某些不明原因,她不肯把婚期定下来。They had agreed to get married soon, but for some unknown reason she refused to name the day.

“我认为这是个很好的想法,经历试婚期从而真正了解另一半,”他说。"I think it's an excellent idea to go through a trial period to really get to know one other," he says.

你知道,我真怕会发生什么意外,把婚期耽搁了,那我可真要发狂了。I was so afraid, you know, that something would happen to put it off, and then I should have gone quite distracted.

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威廉王子和凯特于十一月份在伦敦宣布婚期后没几天,中国获得了这笔瓷碟纪念品的买卖。Within days of William and Kate announcing their engagement in London in November, deals were being struck in China.

黄牛"们大多网上发布转让信息,原因多是"婚期改动"或"计划有变"。Resellers mostly post messages in online forums, saying they need to rearrange their wedding date or change their plans.

毅昕担心父亲找不到适合的骨髓移植,向天恒提出押后婚期。YiXin worried father can not find suitable bone marrow transplantation, to the constant is put forward after the wedding.

英国威廉王子和凯特?米德尔顿婚期将至,而英国准新娘们却正为这场皇室婚礼会抢走自己大喜之日的风头而提心吊胆。British brides are living in fear and horror that the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal could overshadow their big day.

不论是老夫老妻了,还是甜蜜的新婚期,要如何让婚姻活泼且让爱继续燃烧,实是一门要用一生来学习及努力的功课。No matter how long or how short a couple have been married, it is always a life time lesson to keep the love and commitment alive.

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英国威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿婚期将至,而英国准新娘们却正为这场皇室婚礼会抢走自己大喜之日的风头而提心吊胆。British brides are living in fear and horror that the Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal wedding could overshadow their big day.

没有穿戴旧的、新的、借的、蓝色的四样东西,大多数新娘宁愿马上放火烧掉教堂、推迟婚期也不愿意结婚。Most brides would sooner set fire to the church and postpone the ceremony than to get married without something old, new, borrowed and blue.

据米德尔顿的这位朋友透露,米德尔顿和威廉王子还制作了一幅统计媒体预测他俩婚期总次数的挂图。The friend reportedly added that Middleton and William keep a wall chart with a tally of how many times newspapers predict they will get married.