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他稍微有点耳背。He is slightly deaf.

她耳背,听不到他的动静。She does not hear him, for she is deaf.

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噢。耳背也有它的好处,你知道。Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you know.

聋的,听力受损的,和耳背的用户Deaf, hearing-impaired, and hard-of-hearing users

什么字母对于耳背的老太尤其珍贵?What letter is most precious for a deaf old lady?

这只青蛙向它们解释说,他有点耳背。The frog explained to them that he was a little deaf.

别看他好像耳背,每个词都能听到。Despite his seeming deafness, he could hear every word.

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涂抹少量保养品于手肘下方内侧,或耳背后。Apply a small amount of the product at lower position inside the elbow or behind the ear.

一老汉年高耳背,儿子便给他买了一个助听器。An old man suffered hard of hearing because of old age, so his son bought him a hearing aid.

噢。耳背也有它的好处,你知道。我再也不用被迫无意听到其他人无聊的闲言碎语了。Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you know. I'm no longer forced to overhear the tedious gossip of others.

发生谋杀案那天的夜里,老人不可能听见那些人在低声说些什么,他耳背。The old man couldn't have hear what the men were whispering about on the night of the murder. He was hard of hearing.

治疗组采用高能紫外线照射、穴位埋线、耳背刺络、耳压中医方式进行治疗。High-energy ultraviolet radiation treatment group, catgut implantation, ear pricking, ear pressure medicine approach to treatment.

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人人都知道他有点耳背,因此他很少有让我发问的机会。It is a matter of common knowledge that he was somewhat hard of hearing, so he hardly ever gave me occasion to put him any question.

耳背式助听器使用纽扣式电池,合格的产品使用寿命应在200小时左右,按每日使用12小时计算,有效使用期限约为两周。BTE button battery life, the qualified products should be in 200 hours or so, is calculated by using 12 hours a day, period of validity for about two weeks.

它尖嘴大耳,长身短腿,身后拖着一条长长的大尾巴,全身棕红色,耳背黑色,尾尖白色,尾巴基部有个小孔,能放出一种刺鼻的臭气。It pointed mouth big ears, long body, short behind trail a long tail, systemic palm red, black, white tail pointed deafness, tail base has a hole, can emit a pungent odor.

结论封闭负压引流技术能减轻创面炎症反应,加快肉芽组织生长和再上皮化速度,显著促进兔耳背急性创面愈合。Conclusion VAC technique can effectively control inflammation and expedite the formation of granulation tissue and reepithelization of acute wounds, so significantly promote the wounds to repair.