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你可以采取同样的策略来击败那些对你知根知底的家伙。You can take a similar approach to beating the player who has your number.

目前东芝公司一个可能的亮点就是新首席执行长对公司业务知根知底。A possible bright spot for Toshiba is the business that the new CEO knows best.

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此外,正如你所说,他们是谷歌软件产品的开发者,对这些产品的功能知根知底。And, as you say, they have built the products and know intimately how they function.

同样的道理,在妻子们已经对于丈夫优点知根知底后,这让已婚的男人要比单身汉们更加抢手。This, as some wives already know to their cost, makes a married man a better catch than a bachelor.

他虽然对她知根知底,却怎么也想不到,她因爱而丧失了基本的是非判断。He knew her too well to think that she would allow affection to outweigh her sense of right and wrong.

我选择了位于贝尔韦尤的佳腾金融集团,因为他们是当地公司,我对他们知根知底。I chose to go with a Bellevue company, Guidant Financial Group, since they were local and I could really check them out.

他们互相之间知根知底,这将会帮助维埃拉更快的适应曼彻斯特市政球场的生活。They'll know each other well and that will help Vieira acclimatise to life at the City of Manchester Stadium more quickly.

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欧冠四分之一决赛,曼联的潜在对手们既有知根知底的老冤家,也有一片空白的新面孔。United's potential opponents for the Champions League quarter finals range from the very familiar to virgin territory for the club.

等到明年他们稳定搭配出场,并且彼此知根知底以后,我们就能对这对组合做一个完整的评价了。This time next year will be a better time to judge them after they've had a bit of time to settle in and get to know each other better.

“我对吉维特知根知底,他正是目前我的球队所必须的球员”,法国媒体引用德尚的原话。"Givet is a player I know well and one which I would like in my team, " the former midfielder is quoted as saying by sections of the French Press.

这是一个引人注目的真实故事,发生在一个偏远的小镇上,虽然大家知根知底,但没人能真正地相互了解。A compelling true story played out within the confines of an isolated community where everyone knows your business, but few can understand your heart.

因此,董事会很难从公司内部挑选一位知根知底的、才干优长的CEO候选人,迫使他们只能从外部寻找候选人。This makes it harder for boards to find strong 'home grown' CEO candidates from within the firm and whom they know well, and forces them to look for outside candidates.