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这种矿石被验明含金量高。This ore assays high in gold.

这种矿石验明含银量很高。The ore assays high in silver.

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这支票验明取款人身份后即兑现。The cheque will be cashed upon proof of identity.

通过仿真分析验明了所给控制算法是成功的。Simulating analyses identify that the presented scheme is successful.

发明家已经开出一种验明身份的新方法,使用的是一台扫描眼球的机器。Inventors have developed a new way to identify people, using a machine that scans their eyeballs.

检查表格的正确,确认及解决不合之处,验明帐号及薪资。Reviewed accuracy of forms, identified and resolved discrepancies and verified account numbers and pay rates.

第一个实验室活动将需要学生验明在一个路由器上的乙太网路或快速的乙太网路界面。The first Lab Activity will require students to identify the Ethernet or Fast Ethernet interfaces on a router.

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出库和盘存采用LS4804扫描枪验明物资条码并自动更新库存模块信息。PDF417 code was examined with LS4804 scanning spear and auto-updated module data when material was moved out and checked.

这个网站说,须在验明你是科学记者之后,才能给你发言资格。The Knight Science Journalism Tracker is a new Web-based service for journalists who cover science, environment and health.

州立公园的发言人乔治·格尔曼说,海洋研究和保护的河源基金会会验明死因。The Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation will determine the cause of death, state parks spokesman George Gorman said.

我们必须是自己思想的象徵符号的金钱兑换人,警觉地测试、验明他们的金属、重量及肖像真假。We have to be money changers of our own representations of our thoughts, vigilantly testing them, verifying them, their metal, weight, effigy.

今年早些时候,当对一些最近出土的尸骨碎片进行DNA测试验明王子阿列克谢,即最后一位失踪的罗曼诺夫时,这个故事就圆满结束。Complete closure came earlier this year when DNA testing on some newly unearthed bone shards identified Prince Alexei, the last missing Romanov.

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合母线侧及线路侧接地刀时,往往需要验明对侧无电后方允许操作。When closing the earthing switch on the bus-bas and transmission line, the operation is allowed only after verifying that no electricity is on the opposite side.

对于印刷机来说,验明合适的焊膏颗粒尺寸以便与开口设计相匹配、焊膏是否具有优良的流变学性能和耐受高速的刮板速度的能力,都是很关键的。For the printer, verifying proper paste mesh size to match aperture design, good theological properties and the ability to withstand fast squeegee speeds are key.

据称,他是被一根警棍打得失去知觉的,但是在抗议活动的一片混乱之中,由于缺乏录像证据,他的确切死因无法验明。He was allegedly knocked unconscious by a police baton, but in the confusion of a protest, and without video evidence, the exact circumstances of his death could not be proved.

新的体系将不再依赖港监,反而“让进口商负责在生产地预先验明他们的外国供应商是否合格。Rather than rely on port inspectors, the new system will be one "making importers accountable for verifying that their foreign suppliers have adequate preventive controls in place.

日前,一部据称为18世纪一名作家根据莎士比亚作品改编而成的戏剧终于在近三百年后被莎士比亚作品权威出版商验明真身。claims of an 18th- century author to have re-shaped the words of Shakespeare into a play are finally being taken seriously by a respected publisher of theBard 's works nearly 300 years on.

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DNA测试验明,在叶卡捷琳堡附近的西伯利亚森林中的一座没有标志的坟墓找到的九块尸骨碎片是俄罗斯最后的沙皇——尼古拉斯二世及其家族成员的。DNA testing identifies nine bone fragments found in an unmarked grave in a Siberian forest near Ekaterinburg as those of Nicholas II -- the last czar of Russia -- and members of his family.

日前,一部据称为18世纪一名作家根据莎士比亚作品改编而成的戏剧终于在近三百年后被莎士比亚作品权威出版商验明真身。claims of an 18th- century author to have re-shaped the words of Shakespeare into a play are finally being taken seriously by a respected publisher of the Bard 's works nearly 300 years on.

但是中国的情形却是,奶源提供者为了增加产量用水冲淡牛奶、加入三聚氰胺,因为三聚氰胺的氮含量可以欺骗旨在验明氮含量的检测。But in China's case, suppliers trying to boost output are believed to have watered-down their milk, adding melamine because its nitrogen content can fool tests aimed at verifying protein content.