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有些人容易动气。Some people are easily offended.

非常好的朋友不会动气。Really good friends don't take offence.

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在法庭上千万不要动气。Never lose your temper in the courtroom.

我希望你不要因我的话而动气。I hope you will not take any offense at my words.

车上如此拥挤以至于我几乎喘不动气。So crowded is this bus that I can hardly breathe.

假如是那样的,他动气就不敷为奇了。If that's the case, I am not surprised he was angry.

空气干燥器,制动阀,制动气室,离合器助力器。Air dryer, Brake valve, Brake chamber, Clutch booster.

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别动气,别动气。我没法子,路太滑。Temper, temper. I couldn't help it. The road was slippery.

他的傲慢自大实在是让希拉相当动气,于是她很快的走开了。His arrogance really got sheila's goat and she soon walked away.

反复努力尝试,不管你已经有多少次失去了控制或者还是动气了。Try again and again, regardless of how many times you lose control and get angry.

也许我们会尽量面带微笑来隐藏自己心中的不悦,但我们会因一些很小很小的事情而动气。We might try to put on a happy face only to lose our tempers over the smallest things.

我们不会特别愤怒,更不会卷入毫无意义,伤肝动气的争吵中去。We're not fanatical about it and we're not going to engage in pointless, angry discussions.

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由喷动气射流带动而形成的颗粒内循环是颗粒混合的主要机制。Particle internal circulation drove by the spout jet should be the main mechanism of particle mixing.

积极的想法可以让你更容易不去理会那些可能引起动气的言行。Positive thinking makes it easier to disregard remarks and behavior that otherwise could cause anger.

你再动气、再哭泣、再悲鸣,都不过是一台没有观众的独角戏。You may get angry again, weep over again, again sat cry, all Be just to without audience only Cape drama.

你忘了和一个商务助理走吃午餐了。你觉得很蹩脚,并且晓得他动气了。你该怎样做?You've forgotten a lunch with a business associate. You feel terrible and know he's furious. What should you do?

我的日语口语还不敷以很好地表达我的思想,所以假如我有时说了些愚蠢的话,请不要动气。My spoken Japanese is not good enough to express myself well. Please don't get offended if I sometimes say stupid things.

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这样就可以通过对脉动压力分布进行面积加权积分,得到脉动气动力的时间历程。Therefore the time series of aerodynamic forces can be obtained by area-weighted integral of fluctuating pressure distributions.

流化气速度增加,颗粒速度、浓度和碰撞频率与喷动气速度增加具有相同的变化规律,但环形密相区的变化更为明显。The same variation regularity is obtained with the increasing fluidizing gas, but it is more obvious in the annulus than in the spout.

于是我们的下半夜谈话,在情绪高挑未及动气的白热化状态中嘎然截止。So our conversation during the second half of the night stopped abruptly at a heated moment, when we were both agitated but not yet angry.