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它们全是名词。It’s all nouns.

而是一个抽象名词。It's an abstract noun.

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它是抽象名词。It is an abstract noun.

名词的单复数也很难。Plurals were hard, too.

哪一个单词是名词?D. 1 Which word is a noun?

这个名词是单数形式。The noun is in the singular.

是名词子句当受词,也是补语。What is a complement clause?

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“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。That word is a recent coinage.

这个名词是主格形式的吗?。Is this noun in the nominative?

名词词语,动词,名词词语。Noun phrase, verb, noun phrase.

“幸福”这个词是抽象名词吗?Is "happiness" an abstract noun?

过度使用现代医学名词术语。Overuse of Modern Medical Terms.

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名词和术语的解释。definition of terms and phrases.

说出这个名词的复数形式。Give the plural form of this noun.

告诉我这个名词的复数形式。Give me the plural form of the noun.

可数名词可与数字连用。Count nouns can be used with numbers.

不确定,或非特指名词前不加冠词!Do not use the with indefinite nouns.

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会发出臭味的垃圾人,“唾弃“名词的源头。Stink of rubbish, "spit" noun source.

这个名词仅作修饰形容词用。This noun is used only attributively.

有一个名词叫做泊松。And the fancy word for that is Poisson.