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我提议道。I suggested.

一个大胆的提议。A bold proposal, then.

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他对我的提议不屑一顾。He sniffed at my offer.

他提议搞一主家餐。He suggested a-air meas.

他提议搞一主家餐。He suggested a-air meis.

我提议现在休会。Move for an adjournment.

因此,我接受了他的提议。So I accepted his offer.

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我们赞同你的提议。We favour your proposal.

能够提议您吃客冰激凌吗?May I suggest an ice-ream?

我提议大家干一杯。I'd like to propose a toast.

万先生提议回家?。Mr Wan suggested going home.

他据理反对这一提议。He argued against the motion.

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塔尔坎对这一提议不以为然。Tarquin laughed at the offer.

他提议为布鲁尔的健康干杯。He proposed Brougher's health.

天天向上提议搞张翰次野餐。He suggested an open-air meal.

我提议咱们干干净净的分手吧!I suggest we do a clean broke.

提议被一片嘲笑声否决。The proposal was sneered down.

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“你也来吧,”我提议道。"Do you wanna come" I offered.

这种提议是有迷惑力的。He was bewildered at the sight.

他的提议已被撤销。His proposal has been repealed.