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道路从来不可能总是平坦的通途。The path has never been perfect.

这一发现可能为相关药物的研制打开一条通途。The finding may open up an avenue of drug discovery for the disease.

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血气方刚,风华正茂,心已不羁,天堑变通途!Energetic, young and heart have been unruly, natural moat change thoroughfare!

我们选择了相信,在我们面前,有一条黄金通途早已展开。We choose to believe there is a Golden Path of Lightalready laid out before us.

它是纵贯杭州湾的通途,也是树立在广大人民心中的丰碑!It is a thoroughfare across Hangzheu Bay and a monumental work in Chinese people' s heart.

以宁波市通途路、江南路施工期间交通疏解方案为例验证了措施的实用性。Case studies have been carried out in Ningbo to validate the practicality of these strategies.

目前,只有特定通途的生物质能工厂得到了额外的补贴,从而支付他们高昂的花费。Currently only purpose-built biomass plants receive extra payouts to cover their higher costs.

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它们代表着对摆脱谎言与压制的希望,但它们没有指出走向新世界的明确通途。They promised freedom from lies and repression. They did not, however, offer a clear path to a new world.

社会主义国家应当自觉地把社会法视为政治国家回归市民社会的一条通途。The socialist country should take consciously the social law as a way of regression from national politics to a civil society.

苏通大桥飞架南北变通途,将南通市经济技术开发区联通国际大都市上海,跻身长江大三角经济区互动腾飞发展。The finish of Sutong Bridge makes Nantong one of the cities of the Shanghai Economic Zone and paves its way to rapid development.

有时,我们钟爱的动物朋友是唯一的情感桥梁,通过它,我们收到关爱,并馈赠我们的爱给它们,让我们找到回归心灵家园的通途。Sometimes our beloved animal companions are the only bridge able to receive and return affection and show us the way home to emotional health.

除了学术通途,这一发现也能帮助罪案调查人员更好的判断死者的性别。In addition to academic use, the research could be useful in criminal investigations as investigators will be able to tell a man from a woman more easily.

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结合宁波通途桥工程的施工实践,介绍受潮位影响的水中承台采用钢套箱的设计和施工。Based on the construction of Tongtu Bridge in Ningbo, description is given of the design and construction of the footing with steel cofferdam in tidal water.

转基因作物已经用来生产更大数量和更高质量的作物,它也会成为一条改善食物营养的大有希望的通途吗?GM technology has already been used to produce crops in greater quantity and of better quality — does it also offer a promising avenue to nutritionally enhance food?

开辟一条全球软件外包企业走向世界软件外包市场的通途,为企业订单销售开拓了一条新的项目交易途径。Open up a global software outsourcing enterprise to the world software outsourcing market thoroughfare for enterprise development, order a new sales transaction way project.

可能的后果是即便QA证明了自己能很好地进行Jeopardy游戏,它也并非是因为它具有让它在其它任务上发挥通途的那种总体智能。One implication is that even if QA proves itself useful playing Jeopardy, it won't be because it has the sort of generalized intelligence that will make it useful on other tasks.

桥,像彩虹一样美丽,可使天堑变通途,把希望送给苦难的人们,把友谊传遍世界。The bridge, is equally beautiful like the rainbow, may cause the natural moat to change the thoroughfare, and gives the misery the hope the people, spreads over the friendship the world.