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这个系统是莱奥。赫塞尔大脑的产儿。The system is the brainchild of Lior Hessel.

他既是时代的产儿,也是时代的先锋。He is at once the product and preceptor of his time.

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活产儿数字需要进行的调整最小。The number of live births needed minimal adjustment.

在1000个活产儿中,28天新生儿死亡数为47.3。The 28-day neonatal mortality rate was 47.3 per 1000 live births.

恰当的分娩方式与围产儿的预后关系密切。The perinatal fetal prognosis is directly related with delivery mode.

可是我还没有超过预产期,而且我觉得只有过期产儿才需要诱产。But I’m not overdue yet and I thought induction was only for overdue babies.

方法对472例围产儿死亡资料进行回顾性分析。Methods The data of 472 cases perinatal deaths were retrospectively analyzed.

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你们听到过有人把他说成是一个从地狱里喷出来的最黑暗毒雾中一身是罪的产儿。You have heard him called a crime-soaked product of the darkest vomiting of Hell.

不过勇气是无知与卑贱的产儿,远不如其他条件重要。And yet boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness , far inferior to other parts.

目的降低臀位分娩时围产儿的损伤率及病死率。Objective To decrease the injury rate and mortality of breech delivery during perinatal period.

目的探讨孕期柯萨奇病毒B型感染对母亲和围产儿的影响。Objective To analyse the influence of Coxsackie B virus infection on maternity and fetus in pregnancy.

对安徽桐城县医院围产儿出生缺陷监测进行分析。The birth defects monitoring data in Anhui Tongcheng Hospital from May. 1988 to Mar. 1989 were studied.

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其分娩方式应综合决定。为改善围产儿结局,应选择适宜的分娩孕周。Selection of appropriate delivery gestations is the important measures to improve the neonatal outcomes.

在儿童时期受过虐待的患创伤后应激障碍妇女所生出的偏轻产儿也是非常明显的。The link with lower birthweight was most marked in women with PTSD who had also been abused in childhood.

每年有300多万新生儿死亡,另有300万婴儿是死产儿。More than three million newborn babies die every year, and an additional three million babies are stillborn.3

结论超声诊断羊水过少准确率高,羊水过少是围产儿危险的征兆,须给予重视。Conclusion Ultrasound technique is a quite accurate method in oligohydramnios, which is a dangerous sign for perineonate.

充分认识盲目提高剖宫产率并不能进一步降低围产儿死亡率,反之可使手术并发症的发生率增加。Cesarean section is neither the safest nor a method to bring brighter child, nor can it reduce the death rate of perinatals.

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B超技术可以观察待产儿的性别,促使一些父母进行流产手术。That medical device can be used to determine the gender of a child before birth, prompting some parents to obtain abortions.

全世界只有少于200个活产儿有资料证明是来源于冷冻卵子,而且大部分是在意大利。Worldwide, there have been fewer than 200 documented live births from frozen eggs, and most of those were in Italy, he said.

加强高危妊娠管理,综合监测是降低围产儿窒息率、死亡率的具体措施。To strengthen mangement and monitor in high-risk pregnancy are concrete measures reducing the rate of asphyxia and mortality.