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配偶的出生证明或入籍美国的证明Spouse's birth certificate or Naturalization certificate

另外,通过衍生或后天取得公民权的父母,或通过个人申请入籍,你也可以成为美国公民。Apply for “derived” or “acquired” citizenship through parents

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莲舫父亲谢哲信是台湾人,母亲是日本人。莲舫出生在东京,18岁入籍日本。She was born in Tokyo and became a naturalized citizen at 18.

该条款仅适用于通过“授予国籍”方式申请入籍之人士。This applies only to applications for citizenship by conferral.

当天还有赵弘江姊妹、王永松弟兄加入拿撒大家庭入籍仪式。We also welcome sister Chao and brother Wang to join EFC of NASA.

根据新的要求,海外旅行是否会影响入籍资格?Will travel overseas affect eligibility under the new requirements?

该条款仅适用于通过“授予国籍”方式申请入籍之人士。This applies only to applications for Australian citizenship by conferral.

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在未来五年时间里,又将有五艘油轮入籍上海港。A further five cruises will use Shanghai as a home port in the next five years.

杜肯在28岁的时候已经准备好了,等待着入籍的那一天。Duncan, 28, has been ready and waiting for the Naturalization Day her whole life.

此外还将举行一个入籍仪式,欢迎125人成为美国公民。There will also be a naturalization ceremony welcoming 125 people as U.S. citizens.

我咽下自己的骄傲去抵达自己一个非常寂寞的入籍仪式。I swallowed my pride went to a very lonely naturalisation ceremony, arriving by myself.

当我们的车穿越麦克阿瑟海湾大道来到迈阿密海滩时,我方觉这才是我真正的入籍仪式。The ride over the MacArthur Causeway to Miami Beach was my real naturalization ceremony.

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个人觉得,入籍的事能拖多久就托多久,不想因为一点点利益失去中国国籍。So what makes you think it's meaningless?You don't even know how to state your own point.

因此我咽下自己的骄傲去抵达自己一个非常寂寞的入籍仪式。So I swallowed my pride went to a very lonely naturalisation ceremony, arriving by myself.

当条款实用于通功“受夺国籍”方法或者由血统申请入籍之己士。These provisions apply to applications for Australian citizenship by descent and conferral.

其中,在美国出生或新归化入籍的亚裔公民的亲属占绝大多数。Family members of native-born or newly naturalized Asian Americans accounted for most of these.

拉加特表示,后来结婚在美国安定下来,他决定申请入籍。He says he decided to obtain U.S. citizenship after getting married and settling down in America.

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不过,我们不能忘记,移民和最终入籍的过程往往困难重重。Now, we can’t forget that this process of immigration and eventual inclusion has often been painful.

另还有24人参加了美国退伍军人事务部举行的入籍宣誓仪式。Aftab joined 24 other new citizens at the swearing-in ceremony at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

今年4月,我们在白宫为一批美国军人举行了入籍仪式。This past April, we held a naturalization ceremony at the White House for members of our armed forces.