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不需要任何外力作用They don't need your help to do that.

代表合外力,单位为牛顿。F represents force, measured in Newtons.

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如果不施加外力,物体保持静止But if you don't do anything, things stay.

由外力引起的骨骼断折。The phalanges are the bones of the digits.

你就会发现,所需外力有最小值Then you find that you have to apply minimum force.

因为总有外力,作用于系统。So there's always some external force on the system.

施加于布料的外力,一个恒量。A constant, external acceleration applied to the cloth.

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合外力同时也是一个矢量,表示其具有方向。It's also a vector, meaning it has a directional component.

强键意味着,材料能够承受外力。Strong bonds means the material will resist and applied force.

概括起来就是,匀速运动并不需要任何外力The summary is that constant velocity doesn't require anything.

管道中因各种因素产生的外力也不得作用于该伸缩器。The outer force in the pipe can not apply to the expansion pipe.

如果你把物体丢在一边,可能就没有外力作用在它上面If you leave the body alone, maybe there's no force acting on it.

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但是,陶瓷,离子晶体就会抵抗外力,只到它们破碎。Whereas, ceramics, ionic crystals will resist until they shatter.

顺应性是指外力作用下弹性组织的可扩张性。Compliance is the dilating extent of elastic tissue below pressure.

脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces.

弹性运动性是对因外力的施加产生挠曲运动的研究。Compliances is the deflection resulting from the application of force.

除非有外力加诸其上,迫使其改变状态。unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.

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恒力是一种快速有效地给刚体添加恒定外力的方法。Constant Force is a quick utility for adding constant forces to a Rigidbody.

有些习惯是受到烟碱或者酒精上瘾等外力的影响所养成的。Some habits are aided by outside forces such as nicotine or alcohol addiction.

一个物体如无外力作用,它将继续保持静止或作直线运动。An object remain at rest or moves in a straight line unless a force acts upon it.