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所以它是一个简洁的标记。So it is compact notation.

看看这段代码有多么简洁?See how terse that code is?

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文章写得很简洁。The essay was pithily written.

编写使用案例叙述,过于简洁。Write the use cases too tersely.

既有简洁,又有玩世不恭。has both terseness and cynicism.

济慈所作之诗虽简洁却不失为壮丽。Keats sang briefly but gloriously.

让我用最简洁的方式解释下Let me put it in the simplest way.

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培根的多数小品文都很简洁。Most of Bacons essays are concise.

书中语言简洁而准确。The language is terse and precise.

他简洁地概述了各种观点。He summarized the arguments compactly.

但是,这种简洁是一种假象。Yet, this simplicity can be deceptive.

这是我简洁而高效的桌面。This is my simple but effective desktop.

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她的作品以简洁着称。Her work is known for pithiness of style.

她的作品以简洁著称。Her work is known for pithiness of style.

简洁地讲述一个故事是需要花功夫的。It takes work to tell a story succinctly.

第二个要解决的问题是简洁。A second problem to address is conciseness.

O714班的班旗图案简洁,色彩炫丽。Class O714 has the brief and colorful flag.

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与ST-4X不同的是,ST-5X非常简洁。Unlike the ST-4X, the ST5X is very compact.

简洁的意思是简、短、扼要。Concise means brief, to the point, or short.

而且,我们简洁地把它们称为金属。And, we call these in simple English, metals.