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确认为无法投递的邮件。E-Mail was recognized as undeliverable.

那个邮递员负责这条投递线路。That postman is in charge of this route.

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相关简历请直接在51job上投递。Please submit your resume on 51job directly.

删除缓冲目录中未投递的邮件吗?Remove undelivered mails in spool directory?

这是一封盲信,我没有办法投递。This is a dead letter, so I can not deliver it.

电子商务的出现使包裹投递的数量迅速增加。Thanks toe-commerce, parcel volumes are taking off.

在邮件目录投递中,此设置值被忽略。This setting is ignored in case of maildir delivery.

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消息发送者也必须指定投递类型。The message sender must specify the post type as well.

这个问题并不局限于某家航空快递公司,我也遇到过其他公司因为缺少邮政编码而拒绝投递香港包裹的情况。This is not a problem limited to one air courier company.

网上投递简历减少了发送者很大的劳动负担。Fig1. Online resume submission saves senders' efforts a lot.

那封信还没投递就被搁置起来了。The letter was ashcanned without ever having been delivered.

在投递后,尽快从信箱取走信件。Remove mail from mailboxes as soon as possible after delivery.

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第二十三条无法投递的邮件,应当退回寄件人。Undeliverable postal materials shall be returned to the senders.

函件无法投递时务必退还原主。In case of non-delivery, letters must be returned to the senders.

投递图书商品目录册或者有插图的小册子也能赚钱。There is also money to be made delivering catalogues and brochures.

因为交换器会将她的消息认为不可投递而返回。This will cause the exchange to return her messages as not routable.

去类似Gumtree这样的网站找到你所在地的投递工作。Check out websites such as Gumtree to find delivery jobs in your area.

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由于地址字迹不清,致使信件无法投递。It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible.

如果邮件无法投递,将会退回给发件人。If a letter is found to be undeliverable , it will be return to the sender.

“我经营特快专递业务,”特里说,“我们负责投递夜间的包裹,像是邮局业务的延伸。“I operate an express business,” Terry said. “We deliver overnight parcels.