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汽船突突地前进。The boat chugged along.

汽油引擎推动汽船。A gasoline engine drives the motorboat.

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有些驳船是由小汽船拖行的。Some barges are pulled by small steamers.

帆船已被汽船所取代。The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships.

时间是在一九○五年,一艘汽船航行在浩瀚的大海上。The time is 1905. A steamship sails on a vast ocean.

小汽船的声音在远处逐渐消失。The sound of the motorboat faded away in the distance.

他们已将货物转运到一艘内河汽船里。They have transshipped the cargo into a river steamer.

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汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣味地挥着手。Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.

你可以乘坐目前仍在使用的七艘汽船中的一艘缓慢地巡游一番。Take a lazy cruise on one of the seven genuine steamers still in use.

而且,旅客们更多地选择空中运输来跨越大西洋,而不仅仅依赖汽船来漂洋过海。And air traffic across the Atlantic surpassed steamships for passengers.

因为汽船差一点就要登陆地方,它开始减少速度。As the steamer came near to the landing-place, it began to slacken speed.

开始的时候它看上去像一座房子,但后来我们意识到是一只汽船。It looked like a house at first, but then we realized it was a steamboat.

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于是,他为作品中的汽船上添加了黑烟,这也为其作品的天空色彩增添了一丝新意。His steamships issue black smoke, adding to the range of colours in his sky.

很快他又增加了太空飞船、潜水艇、汽船和展览厅。Soon he added spaceship and submarine rides, a steamboat, and exhibit halls.

您要如何将街车专用道延伸至湖泊上?当然只能透过汽船来完成这项任务。How can you extend a streetcar line onto a lake? With a steamboat, of course.

匆匆安排好自己的事务,他就马上赶下一航班汽船去德国了。Hastily setting his affairs in order, he sailed for Germany on the next steamer.

梅勒伯的乐队在密西西河上来回穿行的汽船上演出。Marable's band played on steamboats that traveled up and down the Mississippi River.

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冯藉常识我们征服了大天然,而且发现了汽船,火车与飞机。With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes.

起初,罗柏特·富尔顿的汽船计划被嘲弄为荒诞无聊的事。At first Robert Fulton's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense.

这些汽船上都有着一流的餐厅,你可以在其间享用午餐或晚餐。All the steamers boast first class restaurants in which you can enjoy lunch or dinner.