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吃饭也没有食欲。I had no appetite.

看到这可口的食物我食欲大振。I felt invited at the delicious food.

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食物的气味挑起了我的食欲。The smell of food whetted my appetite.

这些菜肴能刺激你的食欲。These dishes can quicken your appetite.

吃得过饱的人对食物不再有食欲。No food can tempt one filled to satiety.

水是天然的食欲抑制剂。Water is a natural appetite suppressant.

你不能吃得多过你的食欲。You cannot consume beyond your appetite.

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说你的刀锋还没有食欲利落。Thy edge should blunter be than appetite.

我的健康比我的食欲重要的多。My health is more inportant than my palate.

运动能增进你的食欲。Exercise will improve your appetite for food.

闻到来自垃圾的臭味使她食欲大减。The smell from the garbage dulled her appetite.

勾起美国人食欲也有风险。There are risks to whetting America's appetite.

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瘦素就好像是一种天然的“食欲抑制剂”。Leptin acts like a natural appetite suppressant.

详情请见有关食欲的科学报告。See a special report on the science of appetite.

这至少不会增加我的食欲吧?Well it wouldn't increase my appetite, at least.

踢毽子增进了我的食欲。Kicking the shuttlecock has sharpened my appetite.

饮食中添加辣椒或其它香料来增进食欲。And use pepper or other spices to liven your meals.

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我好饿,那颗粮果引起了我的食欲。I'm so hungry. That candy just whetted my appetite.

两天之内,他的食欲与体力都恢复如前。Within two days his appetite and strength returned.

控制食欲。暴饮暴食堵塞身心。Control appetite . Overindulgence clogs boby and mind.