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味道真不赖,特别是那些花生酱牛油饼。It tastes so good, especially the peanut butter cups.

一个低脂松油饼,一块哈密瓜,一杯咖啡加一些脱脂牛奶。A low-fat muffin, a wedge of cantaloupe, and a cup of latte made with skim milk.

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除此之外,还有吃灶糖的习俗,有的地方还要吃火烧、吃糖糕、油饼,喝豆腐汤。In some areas the activities include eating various cakes and drinking tofu soup.

我可以点个双层比萨饼,奶酪红椒油饼和一份大的巧克力牛奶混合饮料吗?Can I get a double pizza burger, chili fries with cheese and a large chocolate milkshake?

“奶油饼”结构是韧性挤压带的应变结构。"Cream cake" texture is the characteristic strain texture of the ductile compressed zone.

大口铁锅加油加热。油要有2英寸高。油饼两面炸黄。Heat oil in a cast iron pan with 2 inch of oil. Fry each dough to golden brown on both side.

若用花椒水调面,则油饼酥,馓子黄,馒头白,口味深长。If the water to face with pepper, then the cake cakes, San child yellow, white bread, deep flavor.

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姨只要做好吃的或是烙饼炸油饼都要多做一些,让孩子或姨夫送去,有时自己亲自去。Aunt just do eat or pancake fried potato to make more, let the children or uncle sent himself, sometimes.

这样,当他回家的时候,他就可以吃着白米饭,并且就着加香料的水和油饼的香味。Therefore, on returning home he would eat boiled rice along with the spiced water and smell the oil cake in between.

第二天一早,理发师来开门,发现店门口有一张感谢卡和十二个油饼在等着他。The next morning when the barber goes to open his shop, there is a "Thank you" card and a dozen donuts waiting at his door.

我们在喧闹的大街上穿梭,大街上有服装店、贩卖薄薄的圆形酥油饼的小店。We wander through busy streets lined with clothing ships and small stands selling balata, a thin, flaky pastry made on round platters.

在我的背后,烧着一柱香,屋角墙上贴着灶王爷的神像,面前放着几碗油饼、小米饭之类的简陋供品。Behind me I saw incense sticks burning, and going to a corner, I noticed a few bowls of crullers, rice and poor food set before a paper drawing of the Kitchen God.

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目前,在北京能吃到小吃有油饼、豆浆、年糕、炸糕、豆腐脑、茶汤、烤白薯、馄饨、烧饼等等。Now, you can find the snacks such as oil cake, soybean milk, New Year's cake, fried cake, tofu jelly, tea soup, roasted sweet potato, wonton and sesame cake in Beijing.

相反,他用一个大布袋,装了糖、水果或油饼沿街派发,发给那些围绕在他身边戏耍的孩童。Instead he walked the streets with a big sack into which he would put gifts of candy, fruit, or doughnuts. These he would give to children who gathered around him in play.