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他们听到树木被拦腰折断。There They were hearing trees snap.

大坝把河水拦腰截断。The dam cuts the river in the middle.

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大坝把河水拦腰截断。The dam backs up the water to prevent flood.

旁边那辆车的司机打瞌睡,结果拦腰撞上了我的车!The driver next to me fell asleep and broadsided me!

早上小巷里出现狗的尸体,被轮胎拦腰碾过。Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach.

小汽车失控拦腰撞在一辆卡车的侧面。The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a truck.

那柔弱的身躯,仿佛不小心就会拦腰折断。The body was weak, as if not careful it will break down the middle.

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前方出现了一个大水闸似的建筑,拦腰横跨在铁道上。Up ahead appeared something like a sluice gate, straddling the tracks.

今天,我的车被另一辆车拦腰撞进旁边五辆停着的车里。Today, I wast-boned by a car that sent mine flying into five parked cars.

在卡兹兰加被拦腰切断以前,政府应该买下土地修建更多的动物走廊。The government should buy land for more corridors before Kaziranga becomes cut off.

不消一刹那工夫,就把他拦腰拴上链子了。Throwing the links about his waist, it was but the work of a few seconds to secure it.

即使这段深藏的感情被曝光在人们的面前,我也无法把它拦腰截断。Even if this deep feelings in people's exposure before, I can not put it Lanyao cut off.

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贝基一把抓起书想把它合上,可是不幸拦腰把那张图撕了一半。Becky snatched at the book to close it, and had the hard luck to tear the pictured page half down the middle.

我张望着,世界好像要将我拦腰截断,也许我就是拥抱这个世界的存在。I am cautious to notice that the world seems to cut my body into two hales , but maybe I was born to loe this world.

我张望着,世界好像要将我拦腰截断,也许我就是拥抱这个世界的存在。I am cautious to notice that the world seems to cut my body into two halves, but maybe I was born to love this world.

一座大型水坝将万泉河拦腰截断,上游数十里狭窄河道变成了一个大湖。A large dam to cut down the middle River, where dozens of narrow upper reaches of the river has been turned into a Great Lakes.

马特洛特回到楼上来时,格朗泰尔曾把她拦腰抱了一把,还在窗边狂笑不止。Matelote had mounted to the first floor once more, Grantaire seized her round her waist, and gave vent to long bursts of laughter at the window.

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然而,去年的犬价已遭拦腰一斩。原因是藏獒时尚热的消退?还是供过于求?目前尚不清楚。However, prices have halved in the past year. It isn't clear whether the fashion for the dogs is fading or whether demand has resulted in oversupply.

在下曼哈顿,20层的新摩天大楼正在破坏着天际线,将优雅的三一教堂的塔尖遮挡并从视觉上将布鲁克林桥拦腰斩断。In Lower Manhattan, new 20-story skyscrapers were ruining the view, blocking the elegant spires of Trinity Church and the swoops of the Brooklyn Bridge.

剩下了冉阿让单独和沙威在一起,他解开那根拦腰捆住犯人的绳索,绳结在桌子下面。When Jean Valjean was left alone with Javert, he untied the rope which fastened the prisoner across the middle of the body, and the knot of which was under the table.