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他来自「沙示加猪瘟」的一个城市。He came from a city in Saskechewan.

目前,接种疫苗是有效预防猪瘟病毒的方法。At present, vaccine is an effective method to prevent CSFV.

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非洲猪瘟是猪的一种高传染性病毒感染,通常导致猪的死亡。ASF is a highly contagious virus infection of pigs that is usually lethal.

猪是已知自然发生猪瘟的唯一动物。The pig is the only animal in which hog cholera is known to occur naturally.

对于抗叶猪瘟的品系,叶稻瘟和穗颈稻瘟抗性的评鉴都是至关重要的。Both leaf and neck blast resistance evaluation are imperative for these lines.

标记疫苗是目前猪瘟疫苗发展的趋势。The marker vaccine is the development direction of classical swine fever vaccine.

这场猝然而至的“猪瘟”,据报道,已造成80多人死亡。The sudden and to the "swine fever", it is reported that has resulted in 80 deaths.

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怀孕期间受感染的母猪生的小猪,在断乳后发生猪瘟临床症状。Pigs of sows infected during gestation may develop clinical signs of HC after weaning.

该研究为研制防治猪瘟的亚单位疫苗与诊断试剂盒奠定基础。Our research provided a basis to develop sub-unit vaccine and diagnostic antigen against CSFV.

但自上世纪80年代以来,我国开始出现了温和、非典型性猪瘟。But atypical HC and inapparent CSF began to appear after 1980s, which had resulted in great loss.

该试纸条的研制为猪瘟的快速诊断提供了一种更加实用的方法。The development of this test paper provides a more practical method for the fast diagnosis of HCV.

其中一个损害时在该国东部区域盛行非洲猪瘟。One of the detriments is the prevalence of African Swine Fever in the Eastern regions of the country.

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猪瘟是免疫抑制性疾病,它严重影响多种疾病的疫苗免疫效果。Classical swine fever is immunosuppressive diseases which seriously affect many diseases' immune effects.

当6000只腐烂的猪尸体一天出现了的时候,你就知道整个国家会有一次猪瘟了。When 6000 rotting carcases turn up in a day you know there's a major swine flu raging through the country.

这种方法此前曾被用于防控非洲和亚洲的牛瘟,以及南美洲的猪瘟。The method has previously been used to fight rinderpest in Africa and Asia and hog cholera in South America.

应用PPA-ELISA技术对猪瘟疫苗免疫猪群中的血清抗体水平进行了检测。The detection of serum antibody level in swine flocks immunized using swine fever vaccine was done by PPAELISA.

用标记的荧光抗体诊断猪瘟,从39份可疑病料中检出阳性病例12份。Using fluorescent conjugated antibody to diagnose CSF, 12 positive examples were found from 39 suspicious examples.

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在格鲁吉亚发现非洲猪瘟的报告于2007年6月初得到确认,这是该病毒首次在高加索地区出现。African Swine Fever was confirmed in Georgia in early June 2007, the first time the virus occurred in the Caucasus region.

研制以杆状病毒表面展示系统为基础的猪瘟基因工程亚单位疫苗。The study developed classical swine fever genetic engineering subunit vaccine based on baculovirus surface display system.

非洲猪瘟与典型的猪瘟都是急性、热性、败血性传染病,临床诊断上很易把二者相混淆…Acute classical swine fever and African swine fever are characterized by hemorrhages and can be easily confused with each other.