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大多数字体是向右倾斜的。Most handwriting slants to the right.

他一贯被认为右倾保守。He was always regarded as a Right-deviationist conservative.

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向右倾斜的字体表示这人的性格比较开放或者外向。Right slanting writing shows a more outgoing or extrovert nature.

他被看作是好战、右倾知识分子的典范。He is seen as the epitome of the hawkish , right-of-center intellectual.

其稀土元素模式为轻稀土富集的右倾曲线,基本无铕异常。Their REE model is characterized by enrichment in light REE and no Eu anomaly.

他这一次所犯的错误,性质属于右倾的错误,属于经验主义性质的错误。The mistakes he has made this time are Right deviationist and empiricist in nature.

在与梅德韦杰夫握手之后,他小心翼翼地坐下,身体右倾。After shaking hands with Mr. Medvedev, he sat down gingerly, favoring his right side.

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类似这种改革并没有任何左倾或右倾色彩,这是科学计算的结果。These and similar reforms aren't right-leaning or left-leaning. They're math-leaning.

这全是靠肢体语言,向前倾,向左倾,向右倾,向后倾,还有旋转。It's all about body movement. Tilting forward, backwards, left and right and twisting around.

在接近高速收费亭时,我把车用劲向右倾,这样挡路杆不会碰到我的反光镜。At the toll booths, I lean my bike hard to the right so the end of the bar doesn't hit my mirror.

由里亚诺•拉霍伊领导的反对党,右倾人民党在西班牙大选中获胜。Spain's general election was won by the opposition centre-right People's Party, led by Mariano Rajoy.

微量元素比值蛛网图模式曲线均呈微向右倾斜的多峰多谷曲线。The model curves of trace element ratio in cobweb map were all multi peak inclining gently to the right.

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过渡元素球粒陨石标准化曲线,也均呈微向右倾斜的W形曲线。The transitional element curves standardized by chondrite were all W type curves inclining gently to the right.

稀土元素模式曲线具缓右倾“V”字形,铕亏损强烈。The chondrite-normalized REE patterns exhibit a gently right-dipping V-type curve with a severe depletion in Eu.

当美国加入到“右倾”阵营后,“左右”的力量对比开始发生明显改变。When the United States to join the "rightist" campaign, "about" the balance of power began to change significantly.

蒙堤组成政府最主要的困难多来自于贝卢斯科尼的日益分化的右倾联盟。The main obstacle to Mr.Monti’sgovernment could come from Mr.Berlusconi's increasingly divided center-rightcoalition.

史学界一般认为大革命失败的根本原因是陈独秀的右倾投降主义。It is said in the historical circles that the failure of Great Revolution is due to Cheng Duxiu s Rightist capitulationism.

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负值意味着“左”倾观点占优,正值表示右倾观点占优。A net minus rating suggests predominantly left-wing views and a positive rating suggests a preponderance of right-wing views.

作为一位前右翼人士,他以批评政治右倾见长,直到最终完全地反对政治右倾。As a former right-winger, he is also famous for criticizing the political right and eventually turning against it altogether.

在这次试验中,总共31名志愿者被要求坐在椅子上,而这些椅子已经被巧妙地改成稍稍左倾或右倾的样子。In this, a total of 31 volunteers sat in chairs that had been subtly tinkered with to lean either slightly left or slightly right.