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层层迷雾遮蔽了重重峰峦。Fogs hide the mountain peaks.

峰峦起伏的群山中蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。The undulating hills are rich in mineral resources.

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很快,远处便出现峰峦积雪的落基山脉。Soon the snow-topped Rocky Mountains appear in the distance.

峰峦峭壁,隐现于苍松翠柏之中。Mountainous cliffs, looming in among the pines and cypresses.

四明湖度假村就位于四明湖畔,湖中岛屿点缀,四周峰峦叠翠,环湖古迹众多。The lake is scattered with islands and surrounded by mountains and historical sites.

峰峦叠嶂此处风景独好,辉映九州兄弟勠力同心。Mountainous overlapping scenery here alone good, reflect kyushu brothers concentric force.

其他人则简简单单的在沐浴着阳光的冰斗中放松,在峰峦面前晒晒太阳。Others simply relax in the sun-washed glacial cirque and bask in the presence of the peak.

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灵岩寺峰峦奇秀,风光旖旎,以风景幽深、泉石秀丽著称于世。Temple Hill scenery, an exquisite scenery, scenery, to deep springs Shi Xiuli known to the world.

泰山气雄伟,峰峦峻峭,景色壮丽,并以其丰富文物遗址而著称。Mount Tai, with its magnificence, precipitousness and natural beauty, is famous for its rich cultural relics.

丰富的动植物资源,加上自然奇观、峰峦奇石、悬崖峭壁、瀑布海子和潜在的佛教文化十分适合生态旅游。With the abound animal and plant resources and beautiful scenery, the Qianfu Mountain is very suitable for eco tourism.

峰峦之间,沟壑、峡谷纵横,溪流、池塘和瀑布随处可见,景区内还有40多个石洞和两座天然形成的巨大石桥。Between the peaks lie ravines and gorges with streams, pools and waterfalls, some 40 caves, and two large natural bridges.

沿峡谷而行,处处可见“峰峦重叠起伏,峡谷急流纵”的壮丽景色。Is all right along gorge , everywhere evidently " ridges and peaks overlapping rise and fall , gorge torrent Zong " majestic scenery.

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这里四周峰峦环抱,峡光倒映,幽深莫测,恍如世外桃源,美轮美奂。Here it is surrounded by ridges and peaks, valleys reflected, and so unfathomable, as if it were Land of Peach Blossoms, very gorgeous.

它独一无二地将蜂蜜、奶油、杏仁跟牛奶巧克力融为一体,拥有独特的“峰峦迭起”的三角造型。This is a one-of-a-kind mixture of milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat and has a unique triangular shape with its special peaks.

岸边湖水里的树木犹如它的纤细的睫毛,而四周树木掩隐的峰峦叠嶂是它突出的眉毛。The fluviatile trees next the shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around are its overhanging brows.

皖云·800颂系列产自海拔800米的纯天然、无污染的大别山区,这里峰峦叠嶂,土壤肥沃,雨量充沛,云雾弥漫。One Win·800 Song series is pollution-free and natural tea , which grows among Dabie Mountains that are more than 800 meters high above sea level.

我最喜爱的是岸边的那些悬崖峭壁及其背后的那高耸云端、神秘莫测的峰峦叠嶂,那山峰只有最英勇无畏的人才能够攀登上去。What I like best are the stern cliffs , with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring.

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境内山川秀丽,河谷纵横,丘陵连绵,峰峦挺拔,自然风景资源十分丰富。The territory of beautiful mountains, valleys horizon, the mountain hills, which rise amid tall and straight, natural landscape is very rich in resources.

以金海湖为中心,周围峰峦叠翠,野卉生香,云影波光,美景如画。Take Jinhaihu as the center, the surroundings peaks and ridges folds the green jade, wild plant unrefined resin, cloud shadow wave light, beautiful scene like picture.

产自著名的吉贡达葡萄园,位于梦米嘿锯齿状峰峦的山脚。此款酒陈存放于我们古老酒窖的橡木桶中。Produced from the famous vineyards of Gigondas, situated at the foothills of the Dentelles de Montmirail, this wine has been aged in oak barrels in our ancient cellars.