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我用17级法师打战歌。Doing WSG with a 17 mage.

很多美国人仍然认为越南还在打战。Many Americans still think of Vietnam as a war.

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发生在美国?美国将与明尼苏达州打战吗?In America? Is the USA going to war with Minnesota?

许多工人相信了这一点,他们说,他们不会去打战。Many men believed this. They said they would not fight.

春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。The Warring States era, a father and his son off to fight.

有些指挥官太小心了,而有些指挥官又不愿意打战,还有些指挥官不知道如何打战。Some were unwilling to fight. Some did not know how to fight.

春秋战国时代,一位父亲和他的儿子出征打战。In ChunQiu era, there is a father and his son going for a war.

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“好的,回禀陛下。”爱德蒙说,他的牙齿在不停地打战。"Yes please, your Majesty, " said Edmund, whose teeth were chattering.

唯一听到的就是光秃秃的枝杈发出的声响,听起来就像牙齿打战的声音。The only sound is from the bare tips of branches chattering like teeth.

就在麦迪逊当选美国总统之时,英法两国之间仍在打战。Britain and France were still at war when Madison was elected president.

当她觉察到有人站在背后时,她吓得浑身一打战。She gave a shuddering start as she became aware of someone standing behind her.

这些士兵将需要签一份承诺书,表示不再打战,并遵守本州和联邦的法律。They would sign a promise not to fight again and to obey state and federal laws.

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哦,卡尔是对的。让我们对平民更多的支持,然后打战。战争真有趣!Woooo, KAL is right, let's put more sanctions on civilians and go to war! war is fun!

亚伯拉罕·林肯打战失败过,做商人时失败过,做律师时失败过,就连做政客时刚开始也失败过。Abraham Lincoln failed at war, as a businessman, as a lawyer and even at politics at first.

时间过去了,他们打战对外国的严重的依赖依赖心侵蚀了他们的意志力。Over time, this dependence on foreign aid eroded the will of the Hmong to fight their own battles.

法国也不想打战并且愿意怀有敬意的接受特使的消息传到了亚当斯这。Word came to Adams that France also had no stomach for war and would receive an envoy with respect.

他根本就不想打战,但在他辞职后不久,他就同意指挥维吉尼亚州的军队。He did not really want to fight at all. But soon after his resignation, he agreed to command the forces of Virginia.

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获胜后,公问我们为什么能获胜?回答说,打战,靠的就是勇气。Lord Zhuang enquired the reason to win. CaoGui answered that it was courage that need to fight against the opponent.

我们没有足够的军队来保障国家,而伊拉克部队也已经显示出了他们没有了力量也不愿意自己去打战了。We don't have enough troops to secure the country, and the Iraqi forces have shown neither the strength nor the will to do it themselves.

然而,在这边境地区的美国人对范布伦总统感到很生气,他们认为范布伦太软弱了,因为他并不想打战。Americans in the border area, however, were angry with President Van Buren. They believed Van Buren was weak, because he did not want war.