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他提出的意见被采纳了。His proffer of advice was accepted.

这个词现在已被采纳入英语。The word is now English by adoption.

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中国人大代表选举制度不会采纳西方方式。China's elections won't be Western-style.

委员会的报告已被采纳。The report of the committee was accepted.

我们说服他采纳这项计划。We argued her into the adoption of the plan.

钳咬,虽然咬合已被采纳。Pincer bite, though scissor bite is accepted.

我答案被采纳的几率有多大?Whta are the prospects of adopting my answer?

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委员会全体一致采纳了这个建议。The committee, to a man, adopted the proposal.

他所提供的建议最后没被采纳。His proffer of advice was not accepted finally.

云采纳者面临着新的挑战。New challenges are emerging for cloud adopters.

他们今后采纳云的计划是什么样的?What are their plans for future cloud adoption?

如何说服客户采纳你的方案?How to convince costumer to accept your proposal?

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我父母常让我采纳他们的建议。My parents always tell me to follow their advice.

委员会最终采纳了他的建议。The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.

从一个坚实的方法论基础来驱动采纳。Driving adoption from a firm methodological basis.

他能说服资方采纳他的计划。He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans.

在其它一些国家已经采纳了该协议It's in other countries--it's already been adopted.

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采纳应用1W大功率长寿命、非常好亮度白色LED灯泡。With 1W long life, high brightness white LED Bulbs.

全体会议通常采纳该委员会的投票结果。The plenary usually accepts the vote of the committee.

政府采纳艾滋病防范级别措施控制飙升的梅病。AIDS-level prevention measures to slow soaring syphilis.