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对不起,你的年岁可露馅了!Pardon me, but your age is showing!

不过一定要把导线藏好,否则就露馅了。Just make sure to hide the wires, lest mess up the illusion.

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声称卖真钻石的小贩是怎样露馅的?What betrayed the peddler who claimed to sell real diamonds?

但他们每次开口说话就会露馅。But they betray themselves every_time they open their mouths.

只要假货不露馅,别人也就看不出差别。As long as they are good fakes, other people won't know any different.

战争中表面上所采取的中立态度开始有点露馅了。Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran-Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.

我才不怕呢,再说李又这么早的露馅了,让我识破了他们的恶作剧。I didn't feel scared cause Li appeared too quickly, thus made me see through their prank.

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三明治可以做成露馅的单片吃,可以在里面放入寿司,还可以加入美味馅烤着吃。Sandwiches can be served open-faced, with sushi inside or grilled with delicious fillings.

但谈起在监狱内外的活动时,他露馅了。His words however rang untrue as he discussed his activities both in and outside of the prison.

从近处看,地平的机械臂的动作出卖了她,她的眼睛也让她露馅㢭——她眨眼时,眼睛只闭一半。Up close, Chihara's robotic arm movements give her away, as do her eyes, which blink onlyhalfway.

他将不知道怎么回答,他将支支吾吾,这样他就会在众人面前露馅。He would not know how to answer them, He would fumble and thus He would be exposed to the crowd as an imposter.

点击可以放大图片,你会看到表蒙上靠下部的蚀刻5号标志露馅了。Click the picture to enlarge and you'll see that the etched "Seiko 5" logo at the lower part of the crystal is the giveaway.

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而珠子最厉害的才能,就是使用搜查地图进行推理,并因此击溃嫌疑人的壁垒,让对方露馅。But the most severe beads of talent, is to use search map reasoning, and therefore rout suspect barriers, let the other side betrayed.

不管怎么说,“忙”得退出春晚彩排的明星,还是有自知之明的,总比届时真唱露馅,让观众耻笑要强。Anyway, it is better for these pop stars to withdraw because of "being busy" than to be laughed at by the audience for their poor singing skill.

这次,狱卒或许不会象往常那样沉默,他或许会同唐太斯讲话,而当看到他不回答时,或许会走到床边去看看,这样可就全露馅了。This time the jailer might not be as silent as usual, but speak to Dantès, and seeing that he received no reply, go to the bed, and thus discover all.

大家来到大地家做客,妈妈突然回家,大家慌忙躲起来却露馅了,小林告诉海大地的种种好,大家抱头大哭。We came to the land of home, mother suddenly to go home, everyone hurriedly hide it away, Kobayashi told sea land all sorts of good, you cry in one anothers arms.

在前不久举行的一次比赛中,夏尔马终于露馅了。当时那些官员们注意到他总是用一顶布制帽子遮住自己…Sharma was finally caught at a recent tournament when officials discovered that he had stitched a Bluetooth device in a cloth cap which he always pulled over his ears.

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实际上,几年前我为我的书,对超自然的科学调查,调查“最好的案子”的灵媒侦探,发现细细地分析总会露馅的。In fact, several years ago I investigated the "best case" for psychic detectives for my book Scientific Paranormal Investigation, and found that it fell apart under close analysis.

九妹见假四喜果然一心骗取妖王令箭,又说起当日他们在月老庙拜堂成亲的细节,黑大王终于露馅。Nine sister see false four xi had a heart to defraud demon upon the arrow, and talking about the same day they are old temple, the details of the meeting the bride marry black king finally fell apart.