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连锁店赔钱了。The chain lost money.

他们认为我们会赔钱。They thought we would lose money.

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尽管我们有这么一套房子,却一直在赔钱。So we're losing money on owning it.

你只说我有可能赔钱。You just warned me that I could lose money.

如果我价格比它低,我将赔钱If I price below it I'm going to lose money.

然而即便如此,大多数片子在影院里是赔钱的。Even so, most films lose money in the theaters.

赔钱不能赢利,但能使投机者细心钻研。Losses make the speculator studious——not profits.

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投机可能赚钱,也可能赔钱。People may earn money or lose money in speculation.

事务所一直在赔钱,已经没钱再继续租写字楼了。His firm was losing money and had lost its office lease.

这样他们就兴旺了,虽然一直在做赔钱的买卖,但还是能兴旺。They were able to flourish despite the fact that they were losing money.

安父亲的食品杂货店在赔钱,所以他决定卖完存货停止营业。Ann's father was losing money in his grocery, so he decided to close out.

抓住每一次赔钱的机会,改进你对市场行为的了解。Take advantage of every loss to improve your knowledge of mar ket action.

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我想我们在短时间内是赔了一些钱,但是从长久来看我们不会赔钱。I guess we lost a lot of money in the short term—but not in the long term.

“起先,我们是赔钱的,”弗里德曼说,“因为我们低估了这项工作。”"At first, we lost money, " says Friedman , "because we underbid the jobs.

如果你买房时花了22000英镑,卖时只卖20000英镑,那么你就赔钱了。If you buy a house for 22000 and sell it for 20000 you are selling at a loss.

最终会到达一个让你开始赔钱的点,生意就失败了。Eventually you will grow to a point where you lose money and your business fails.

管理人员会说,今年我们没有赔钱是什么意思The management might say, well what do you mean we didn't lose any money this year?

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这种情况下,价格会低于成本,你越生产越赔钱In particular, they'll be lower here than costs and so you'll make losses on that product.

计算机无法找出如何让芝加哥市为坑洞产生的瘪胎赔钱。Computers cannot find out how to get the city of Chicago to pay for a pot-hole-caused flat tire.

开始担心投资者认为银行赔钱比他们老总头发掉的都快了吗?Concerned that investors think banks are losing money faster than their executives are losing hair?