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说着又开动牙钻钻了起来。He operated the drill again.

他按下按钮开动了机器。And click on the order button.

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按那个钮可开动机器。That button moves the machine.

我知道如何开动机器。I know how to work the machine.

开动脑筋,为剧本想些点子。Brainstorm ideas for the script.

他按下按钮开动了机器。Press the shutter button to shoot.

你最好开动机器检验一下各个部分。You'd better break in the machine.

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录音装置已开动起来。The recording device has activated.

他按下按钮开动了机器。Depress this button in case of fire.

电被用来开动机器。Electricity is used to run machines.

把玩具开动,让娃娃唱歌世上只有妈妈好。Yes, my doll can sing . sing a song.

他挂上了头挡,开动了汽车。He stuck the car in first and revved.

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要开动发动机就按这个按钮。Press this button to start the engine.

火车启动的铃声响了,这是汽笛声,火车缓缓开动了。A bell rang. There was a hiss of steam.

这时火车却开始向后开动了。Then the train began to move backwards.

空调机开动时几乎连嗡嗡声都没有。The air conditioner droned almost inaudibly.

那么,开动这种炼金术需要什么呢?What then is needed to get the alchemy going?

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我们的汽车向前开动时,鹿群吓得逃散了。When our car drove forward, the deer spooked.

发动机开动时指针就颤动。The needle pulsates when the engine is running.

膨胀的气体可以用来开动机器。Expanding gases can be used to operate a machine.