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我们完全心灵相契,是知音。We are soul mates.

你说,我们是知音啊。You say, we are friends.

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对我们的传统绘画,他是异国的知音。To our traditional painting, he is exotic Salon.

万两黄金容易得,知音一个也难求。It's easier to get piles of gold than a real friend.

概因此附会于伯牙与钟子期知音的故事。Shall be so attached to Bo Ya and Zhong Ziqi Concert story.

我们不只是歌词上的知音,生活上也是。We are friends not only on lyric-writing, but also in life.

深谙美食的徽州人是毛豆腐的知音。Huizhou people who are gourmets can truly appreciate hairy tofu.

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后用“高山流水”比喻知音或知己。Later, "The elegant music" as a metaphor bosom friend or confidant.

如果能通过我的作品找到知音,那将是一件很美妙的事。It will be a very wonderful thing, if I can find a bosom friend through my work.

居福觉得汉良是他的知音,所以决定让他进公司当恰恰的助手。Jufu is pleased with Hanliang and recruits him to the company as Qiaqia's assistant.

一个人的生命里,擦肩而过的人有千千万万,有几个是知音?There are thousands of people have gone by us in our lives, in which who is the soul-mate?

梭罗当然反对,并坚持吹嘘越是好的演讲知音听众就越少。Henry objected, of course, and vaunted the better lectures which reached only a few persons.

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斯劳尔霍夫不仅受到了白居易的启发,更将其视作自己的知音。Not only was Slauerhoff inspired by Bai Juyi's poem, he considered Bai Juyi as his soulmate.

她唱着旧日的歌曲声韵凄清,她聚敛着愁眉,谁是知音与听?An old melody dreary sounds, Locking listeners' brows in frowns, yet for whom is it performed?

一只孤独的鲸,因为自己声音的频率和其他鲸不一样,因此十二年来一直过着孤身一人,没有“知音”的生活。A lone whale with a voice unlike any other has been wandering the Pacific for the past 12 years.

千里难寻是知音。我们品读友谊,感悟人生。Hard to Find thousands of miles is a bosom friend. We read Goods friendship, perception of life.

用最好的猪做香肠是议会事,可把猪当成知音就太离谱了。Making sausages out of a prize porker is one thing, but making a soulmate of him is going too far.

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在试图重返月球的过程中,美国宇航局经常从曾经最受宠爱的太空计划阿波罗找到知音。In trying to return to the moon, NASA has often echoed Apollo, the most popular space program ever.

我特别要感谢外交使团以及美国知音的人士,感谢他们所做的卓越工作。I thank especially the members of diplomatic core and the Voice of America for their excellent work.

可以说柳宗元是屈原千年之后的真正知音,也是屈子精神的坚定继承者。Its obvious that Liu was the real bosom friend and firm successor of Qu after one thousand years or so.