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白血球偏低应注意什么?What should leucocyte on the low side notice?

他们的心脏都有杂音,七位患者血中白血球上升。All had cardiac murmur and seven had leukocytosis.

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白血球指标达到了一万多,意味着什么?Leucocyte index was achieved more than 10000, what to mean?

红骨髓制造红血球和白血球。Red bone marrows produce red blood cells and white blood cells.

白血球缺乏症这样一种血液紊乱相关的。An abnormally low number of leukocytes in the circulating blood.

七位病人之尿液常规检查显示白血球增多但培养无结果。Seven patients had abnormal urinalysis but no positive finding in culture.

这些射线会使白血球减少,降低人体的抵抗力和免疫力。These irradiations may cause the leukopenia, reduce the human body immunity.

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从血液中去除白细胞称为减白血球。The practice of removing the white cells from blood is called leukoreduction.

乳铁蛋白支持白血球活动时,能够增强组织充氧功能。It enhances oxygenation of tissues while supporting white blood cell activity.

有性生活的青少年每年验尿检查白血球。Yearly dipstick urinalysis for leukocytes for all sexually active adolescents.

为了预防不测,骨髓中还储存着已经完全成熟的白血球后备军。As a precaution, the marrow houses a standby force of fully developed white cells.

她的白血球数终于升到正常水平,她可以出院了。Her white blood cell counts were finally high enough for her to leave the hospital.

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对于体重较低但身体状况不佳的人,白血球水准也是高的。Levels were also high among men with lower body weight but lower levels of fitness.

体力活动增加白血球细胞可以帮助身体抵御感染.Physical activity increases white blood cells which help a body fight off infection.

发烧、白血球增多和肝功能异常是最常见之表现。Fever, leukocytosis and abnormal liver function were the most common clinical features.

一个有较多脂肪的人,他的白血球数量也较高。The greater proportion of body fat a man had, the higher his white blood cell count was.

“嗜中性白血球减少症”是指中性粒细胞浓度低于正常值。"Neutropenia" is the term for a decrease below normal in the concentration of neutrophils.

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“嗜中性白血球减少症”是指中性粒细胞浓度低于正常值的现象。"Neutropenia" is the term for a decrease below normal in the concentration of neutrophils.

研究包括验血,分析血液中所包含的各种类型的白血球。Blood tests were taken, and analysed for their content of various types of white blood cell.

白血球端粒随时间推移而缩短,可用来测量人的生物学年龄。Leukocyte telomeres shorten over time and may serve as a marker of a person's biological age.