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他两手叉腰,站在铺子前。Children standing with arms akimbo.

他两手叉腰站立着。Children standing akimbo by the fence.

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他两手叉腰站在那边。He stood there with his hands on his hips.

我只是站在这里,两手叉腰,什么都没干。I'm just standing here with my thumb up my butt.

她身高3英尺,双手叉腰。She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips.

工艺品歪着头,一手叉腰,站在。The crafts tilted his head hand akimbo Zhang splayleg standing.

史松双手叉腰,骑在马上掠阵。Their Captain sat on his horse, arms akimbo, surveying the scene.

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三个星期后,他来到我的办公室,两手叉腰。Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips.

女主人双手叉腰站著对他的新仆人说话。The mistress stood with arms akimbo while she talked to her new servant.

在印度尼西亚,在与人谈话时两手叉腰表示你很生气,这个动作也是很不礼貌的。In Indonesia, hands on his while talking means that you're angry and it is also impolite.

野餐后,我们双手叉腰,站立在微风中,享受着美丽的景色。After the picnic we stood in the breeze with our hands on our waists , enjoying the fine landscape.

她身高三英尺,双手叉腰,身穿一件落地的长裙。她身高3英尺,双手叉腰。She was in 3-feet height with her hand rested on her hips wearing a full-length skirt swept the ground.

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然后,以右手叉腰,左手按摩36次,方法同上,方向相反。Next, with right hand akimbo , left hand is massaged 36 times, the method is Alexandrine, way is opposite.

两个女人,一个站在东边,一个站在西边,横眉竖眼,伸颔叉腰。Two woman, a station on the eastern side, a station on the west, put on a fierce look, Extension Chin akimbo.

如果他两手叉腰地站着或者把他的大拇指放在腰带环里,那他可能对你有兴趣。If he stands with his hands on the hips or places the thumbs in the belt loops, he might be interested in you.

就“我是个天才”这个例子而言,你可能会想象自己傲视群雄,像超人那样双手叉腰站着。So with the example “I’m brilliant, ” you might imagine yourself standing tall, posing like Superman with your hands on your hips.

佩妮让鞋跟擦地停住秋千,发出尖厉刺耳的摩擦声,然后她又跳了起来,双手叉腰。Petunia stopped her swing by dragging the heels of her sandals on the ground, making a crunching grinding sound, then leapt up hands on hips.

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那个抱木柴来的年轻英俊的士兵,两手叉腰,就地快速和有节奏的跺着冻僵了的脚。The handsome young soldier who had brought in the wood put his arms akimbo , and began a smart and nimble shuffle with his frozen feet as he stood.

娜塔莎扔下披在她身上的头巾,向大叔面前跑去,她双手叉腰,耸耸肩膀,停步了。Natasha flung off the shawl that had been wrapped round her, ran forward facing the uncle, and setting her arms akimbo , made the movements of her shoulder and waist.

篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。The basket being large and heavy, Car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head, where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo.