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这是概率论中最基本的概念So that's the basic idea.

但概率论是个新知识The probability theory is new.

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但注意,这个公式是基于概率论的But, you know that this is based on theory.

是的,什么概率论、科学…都会反对我,这我懂。I realize that the odds, and science, are against me.

概率论实在与此无关Probability theory is really a movement away from that.

概率论中最基本的一个原则,就是独立性的概念One of the first principles of probability is the idea of independence.

概率论第一个基本原理中的一条是事件的独立性。One of the first principles of probability is the idea of independence.

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摘要指出并分析了目前国内概率论教材中中心极限定理部分存在的一个问题。A problem in teaching of central limit theorem is discussed in this paper.

波利亚罐问题是概率论中的著名模型。The Polya urn problem is a famous model of wide application in probability.

这一工作既不涉及定域性原理也与经典概率论无关。This work has nothing to do with locality nor with classical probabilities.

新模糊集合理论与概率论的基本部分是同构的。New fuzzy set theory is isomorphic to the fundamental part of probability theory.

就是概率论,以及通过风险汇聚来分摊风险It really is probability theory and the idea of spreading risk through risk pooling.

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概率论的最基本的原则,有一条叫乘法原理One of the first principles of probability theory is called the multiplication rule.

这就是概率论中第二个基本极限定理的原始初形。This is the probability limit theorems in the second basic form of the original first.

讨论了集合论和概率论的进一步发展对博弈论产生的影响。Further developments of set theory, probability theory and their influences on Game theory.

不管怎样,在故事结尾,那勒回去了,我们知道他已经掌握了概率论的知识Anyway, the story ends and Nala goes back and is now armed with probability theory, we assume.

针对概率论据系统的准支持集合的计算问题,提出一种启发性算法。This article proposes a heuristic algorithm to solve the computation question of quasi-support sets.

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另一在概率论发展史上的代表人物是法国的泊松。Another development in the history of probability theory is the French representative of the Poisson.

由模拟退火算法所引出的非时齐马氏链问题已经引起概率论学者的极大关注。Discussed in this paper is non-homogenous Markov chains generated by the simulated annealing algorithm.

概率论是事物运动的规律,我们对此有严格的数学公式。Probability theory is really a movement away from that. We then have a mathematically rigorous discipline.