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徘徊于旧情新爱。The old love and the new love.

旧情与未燃尽的火一样都容易重新点燃。Old love and old fires easily rekindles.

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那些曾经跟唱过的旧情歌。It was songs of love that I would sing to them.

那些旧日跟唱过的旧情歌。It was songs of love that I would sing to then.

我想和她重温旧情,但我不会低三下四求她的。I want to get back with her. But I'm not going to grovel.

于是我旧情复萌,思想又转上原来的轨道。My thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent.

他们一见面,他对她的旧情如干柴烈火般又重新燃起。As soon as they met again his dormant love FOR her was rekindled.

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我提着老酒走在老街想着旧人说着旧情话。I walk in the street carrying wine thinking of old people speak the old words.

可是,郝思嘉对阿希礼仍然旧情不忘。Bulter paid all the affection to their daughter, but Scarlett still loved Ashley.

缘聚缘散,如风、如云,旧情何在呵?The gatherings or partings with affinity, such as wind, like clouds, around where ah?

而巨蟹也会因为天秤的旧情难忘而产生焦虑和不确定感。The Cancer for his turn feels uncertainty and anxiety because of the Libra's attachment.

好像有莫里西的演出。你想去吗,就我们两个,念在旧情份上?。I think Morrissey is playing. So you want to go, just the two of us, for old times' sake ?

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在大家共同努力下欧小妹交出偷走宝物,孟蜀念在旧情上没有追究。In the common efforts of the kid sister hand steal the treasures, meng shu read on the old.

但是在他的漂泊中,因为旧情的牵引,他常向爱敦荒原上去。But his wanderings, by mere stress of old emotions, had frequently taken an Egdon direction.

就在一分钟之前,她还在悠然自得地听他说话,未忘旧情。Only a moment before she had been listening with some complacency, remembering her old affection for him.

道登和我父亲是大学同学,俩人也许是想再续旧情吧。He and my father had been college friends and were trying, perhaps, to take up again their old friendship.

熬夜,聆听收音机里传来的痴情的歌曲,重读旧情书,这又有何害处呢?Staying up late, listening to silly soppy songs on radio, re-reading old letters. Where's the harm in that?

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梅映佳的前男友纠缠梅映佳并非是旧情复发,而是想骗取她的心理学论文。MeiYingJia ex-boyfriend entangled MeiYingJia is not old, but want to cheat her recurrence of psychology papers.

不管外在生活多么离奇古怪,他的人生只有一个目标,即重续和苔西的一段旧情。His life, for all its grotesque external clutter, is dedicated to the recovery and renewal of an early love affair with DAisY.

如果仅仅是第一次约会,他很可能会和前女友旧情复燃,或者,他在和一个他更加中意的人约会。If it was just a first date, an old relationship might have flared up or the guy might have met someone that he'd rather date.