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这本书是我的这是我的外文书。The Book Is Mine This is my English book.

有没有外文的交通地图?Do you have a foreign language driving map?

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他借调到外文出版社工作去了。He is on loan to the Foreign Languages Press.

我们只有一少部分外文书。We have only a small percentage of foreign books.

你能疏解这些外文词的意思吗?Can you explain the meaning of these foreign words?

漫画可以成为很好的外文阅读材料。Comics can be good foreign languge reading material.

买或借一本带有地图和关键外文词汇的旅行手册。Buy or borrow a tour book with maps and key foreign phrases.

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是的,先生,请稍等,我帮你转外文书籍部门。Yes,sir.Just a moment.I'll give you the foreign book section.

我是在一家外文书店里买到这本书的。It was in a foreign language bookstore that I bought this book.

外文期刊订购传统化、单一化。The subscription is still confined to the traditional periodicals.

译成外文,少了中文的神韵。不过还好我最近想到了更喜欢的签名。I may not be the best story-teller, but I am the best-story teller.

它并不完美,但至少可以让您看懂外文垃圾邮件的大概。It’s not perfect, but you’ll get the gist of that spam from Russia.

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听京剧就像听一门你不懂的外文一样。It's just like listening to a language which you know nothing at all.

我们阅览室只有一小部分外文书。We have only a small percentage of foreign books in our reading room.

图书馆有大量的外文参考书。The library contains a large number of foreign language reference books.

年以后出版的外文书,请到四楼阅览。For foreign language books published after 1994 , please go to the fourth floor.

用不了多久,以下书籍就将在中国外文书店上市。The selection below should be on display soon at Chinese foreign language bookstores.

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在少年期远足到欧洲学习外文专业将会发生什么?。Whatever happened to the junior-year excursion to Europe for foreign-language majors?

费用是中文每字七分钱,外文每字一角四分。The charge is seven cents in Chinese and fourteen cents per word in a foreign language.

这本小说译成了三种外文,即英,德和法文。This novel is translated into three foreign languages, namely, English, German and French.