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是我心衣饰的得体仪容。Is but the seemly raiment of my heart.

良好的仪容能使你感觉更好。Looking better can help you feel better.

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秘书群的服装仪容及仪态是否符合专业秘书形象?。How is the grooming and deportment of our secretaries?

仪容整洁和个人卫生的考究已经行之有年了。Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages.

她最近不大重视自己的仪容。She has been rather neglectful of her appearance lately.

按照所有的仪容仪表标准着制服报到。Report to work in uniform following all appearance standards.

遵守规定的卫生和个人仪容标准。Adhere to specified hygiene and personal appearance standards.

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干净清洁至为重要。仪容整洁的人才是真正的美人。Being clean is so important. Well-groomed people are the real beauties.

她回想起他在公园里和她约会的那些日子里他那堂堂的仪容。She remembered his fine appearance the days he had met her in the park.

仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲求已经行之有年了。Grooming and privgot hygiene haudio-videoe i've been around for matures.

社交场合的仪容要求是什么?What tare the requirements for appearance in social communication occasions?

社交场合的仪容要求是什么?Q6. What are the requirements for appearance in social communication occasions?

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大部分的缅因猫保持自己的整洁所以不太需要畜主做额外的仪容整洁。Most Maine Coons keep their fur in good order without the need for additional human grooming.

有些仪容整洁方面的文化差异是源自于种族间生理条件的不同。Some of the cultural variations in grooming practices result from physical differences between races.

在"皇家牛奶咖啡屋",顾客可以用餐,并享受仪容服务,如清除耳垢。At Royal Milk, diners can follow up a meal with a range of grooming services, including ear cleanings.

你可能以为所有现代社会中的仪容整洁与卫生习惯都是一样的。You might think that all modern societies would have the same grooming and personal hygiene practices.

可是我们却很少觉得,那些整天为了自己的仪容,服饰及妆扮,小心谨慎,不断涂涂抹抹者又有什麽缺陷。However, people don't feel him or her disabled who bustles discreetly for appearance, garment, and make-up.

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保持良好的仪容仪表,如整洁的制服,佩戴胸牌,工牌,用很好的CHEERS精神面带微笑的服务客人。Keep a good appearance, like clean uniform, name tag, badge and friendly service with smile and CHEERS spirit.

仪容仪表、穿着打扮、个人卫生、行为举止必须符合部门标准。Maintains appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniform, appearance and posture throughout the section.

看见耶稣幷瞻仰他的仪容,是一个无法抑压的热望,可惜这热望也可以被人扭曲。To see Jesus, to contemplate his Face, is an unquenchable desire, but it is a desire that man unfortunately may also deform.