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爸爸用通条把火捅得更旺。Father poked the fire with a poker.

他正用通条捅火。He poked the coals up into a blaze.

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通条性能稳定、拉拔性能好。Constant Quality, good drawing performance.

那个士兵转动着通条,冷冷地向皮埃尔瞥了一眼。And the soldier, turning the ramrod, glanced gloomily at Pierre.

老太太会买四轮滑冰鞋,不抽烟的人会买烟斗通条。Old ladies will buy roller-skates and non-smokers will buy pipe-cleaners.

臭气令人作呕,但我一用通条左右捅堵塞物,我就尖叫着高潮了!The stench was disgusting but as soon as I started wiggling the rod about to shift the blockage, I was crying out in ecstasy!

应该养成一个习惯,那就是在每次射击前用通条、擦枪布擦去枪内的防锈油。Make it a habit to clean the bore with a cleaning rod and patch to wipe away anti-rust compounds in the gun each time immediately before you shoot it.

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这时,他们正将大炮旋好位置对准我们,而正在用通条通炮口的汉兹,显然便处在了最为暴露的位置。They had the gun, by this time, slewed round upon the swivel, and Hands, who was at the muzzle with the rammer, was, in consequence, the most exposed.

有一些人正在用通条捣碎火药,有一些人正在把火药装进火枪药池里,从袋子里取出火药,还有一些人正在射击。Some were plugging with their ramrods , others were putting powder on the touch-pans, and getting charges out of their pouches, others were firing their guns.

在本病例中,我们使用一个换管通条来调整单腔支气管内管的位置以完成在手术中切换单肺及双肺通气的功能。We present a case in whom a tube exchanger was used to readjust tube position so as to provide alternation of one-lung and two-lung ventilations in a thoracoscopic procedure.