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这就是吉布斯相率,对吗?Which is the Gibbs phase rule, right?

我们今天要做的事证明这个相率。And where we're going to start today is by proving this.

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这个例子就是,吉布斯相率的一个特定的应用。And this example here is a specific example of something called the Gibbs phase rule.

对于吉布斯相率我们先考虑,我们能够从外部控制的两个条件。And for the Gibbs phase rule, then we start with the two knobs that we can turn externally.

铸轧温度从高到低,固相率明显从小到大。The higher the temperature of casting and rolling, the lower the solid ratio in microstructure.

这只是一个更普遍的吉布斯相率的特例,或者说是个例。And then we said that this turned out to be a special case or sub-case of the more general Gibbs phase rule.

同时对固相率、凝固潜热等关键问题进行了处理。The treatments for key problems such as the solidification heat and turbulence viscosity etc have been conducted successfully.

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针对半固态组织分析中所需的固相率、固相颗粒尺寸和圆整度进行了计算机分析。The liquid-solid volume rate, grain size, and nodularization of solid particle within the microstructure of semi-solid metal was analyzed.

结合传热模型计算的温度分布和普遍使用的临界固相率、极限固相率,得出了轻压下的压下区域。From the results of heat transfer model, generally used critical solid fraction and limit solid fraction, the soft reduction zone was obtained.

产品具有转相率高、活性好、用水量小、流动性好、体积密度高、热态强度优良等特点。It has good properties such as, high inversion rate, good activity, small water demand, good fluidness, high bulk density, excellent thermal strength etc.

给出了理论冷却曲线、冷却曲线、固相率及单位时间内潜热释放速度之间的关系及实验结果。Theoretical cooling curves, the relationship between cooling curve, fraction of solid and liberation of latent heat per unit time, and experimental results are presented.

通过研究定量金相技术为半固态微观组织的固相率,晶粒大小,晶粒尺寸分布和形状分布的图像处理提供了理论依据和计算方法。The paper has provided theoretical basis and computation method of the four measuring items of microstructure for digital image processing by studying quantitative metallography.

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修正了临界补缩固相率的概念,提出了立式离心铸造条件下的动态临界补缩固相率新概念。Concept of critical feeding of solid fraction has been amended, and new concept of dynamic critical feeding of solid fraction under the vertical centrifugal condition was introduced.

那么吉布斯相率告诉我们,给定温度下总压强作为xB的函数,这是一条线,不一定是直线,但一定是相图中的线。So the Gibbs phase rule then tells me that the pressure should be only a function of xB if T is fixed Should be a line. Not necessarily straight, but it should be a line in this diagram.