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这里列举10个如下。Here are 10 of them.

全文如下。The full text follows.

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他的回信内容如下。His reply ran as follows.

这些将如下给出。And that's given as follows.

大概的情节如下。It goes something like this.

说明如下。The explanation is as follows.

我们还盘如下。Our counteroffer is as follows.

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全文如下。The following is the full text.

亲爱的庞德,诗歌如下。My Dear Pound, here is the poem.

一个典型的MINIT方法如下A typical MINIT method looks like

如下是一个民间故事。There was a folk story as follows.

我想着重强调的是如下几点Here are the points I like to stress

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其分布情形制成如下表格。The distribution is as tabled below.

其分布情况列表如下。The distribution is tabled as below.

你应该可以看到如下输出。You should see the following output.

全部五份作业如下。All five assignments are listed below.

如下是他们的探索简史。Here is a brief history of their quest

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国际海事组织已经发布了如下通告IMO has issued the following circulars

这些成分归纳如下。These components are summarized below.

我们确认如下信息是无误的。We confirm follow infomine is correct.