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一点一滴,滋润心田。Bit by bit, moisten heart.

儿童只能一点一滴地掌握它。A child assimilates it only gradually.

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这一点一滴的小事让我无法自拔The littlest things that take me there

税是一点一滴收集起来的。Taxes were collected in dribs and drabs.

一壶水是靠一点一滴的水装满的。By each drop of water is a water-jar filled.

他那一点一滴的智慧变成了孩子们的智慧——同时也成了我的。Bits of his wisdom became their wisdom-and mine.

积土成山,成功来自于一点一滴,坚持就会改变。Big success comes from small, consistent changes.

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总有一天会从新挖掘出来一点一滴铸造成美好。One day it will anew exhumed bit minted into good.

集体的家业是一点一滴地积攒起来的。The collective wealth has been accumulated bit by bit.

一点一滴地,这个装置的几个部分终于成形了。In dribs and drabs , parts of the appliance came together.

公司迈出的每一步,每一点一滴的发展,感觉都好极了。Every step, every ounce of progress, feels good, ' he says.

一切都是来港后一点一滴逐渐认识的。My knowledge all came in drips and drabs after I got there.

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有时候,慢慢的享受生活的一点一滴是很幸福的。Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy each morsel of life as it comes.

时间在溜走,一点一滴,没有声息。The time is sneaking off, Bit by bit, does not have the sound.

然而她那一点一滴的细节,却像一缕缕细流,交织在一起,滋润了我的心房。However she that bit details, but be like curling trickle, intertwined, moist my soul.

沉淀在时光里的。总有一天会从新挖掘出来一点一滴铸造成美好。Precipitation in time of happiness. One day it will anew exhumed bit minted into good.

所以每次当我拍完一部电影,我觉得自己成长了,一点一滴。So every time when i finish a movie, I think I growed up, bit by bit, little by little.

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她说,此事的影响一点一滴逐渐积累、越来越大,而开始我们只是把它视为一场民事诉讼的一部分。Part of the drip, drip affect of this is that we only see it as part of a civil procedure.

其次,我们可以停止密切注意有关饮食争论的一点一滴。Second, we could stop paying such close attention to every jotand tittle in the diet debate.

大概我傻我笨到现在还爱着你,我们的爱情,一点一滴徐徐消失。Maybe I'm stupid I was still in love with you, our love, every little bit gradually disappear.