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他是一个我欣赏的直爽的人。He is a blunt man who I admire.

约翰提建议很直爽。John is very free with his advice.

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她那天真直爽的态度叫他觉得安心。Her direct simplicity put him at his ease.

汉妮伯母是个直爽但又沉默寡言的人。Aunty Henny was an outgoing but reticent person.

他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly.

埃莉,来自北伦敦,她的做法更直爽。Ellie, from North London, is much more blunt in her approach.

他们直爽,好客,认为很多东西比金钱重要"They are frank, hospitable and put many things before money."

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很好,我也这么认为。感谢你的直爽!Good, I think so too. Thank you for not beating around the bush!

教区牧师,我对你直爽地说上这样一些,希望您别介意。I hope you don't mind me spitting out these things to you, vicar.

她性格中不同寻常之处是她又为人直爽,却又小心谨慎。The anomaly in her personality is that she is both outgoing and circumspect.

别的一方面,鲁尼请杰斯教她唱歌,杰斯也直爽地容许了。The other hand, rooney please jess taught her to sing, jess also to allow a candid.

孙浩直爽地借钱给欣儿,令欣儿对他态度转变。SunHao foursquare to lend money to hin son, make hin for his son manner transformation.

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贵阳很小也不繁华,但是这里的人都很热情、直爽。It is small and not very prosperous, but people there are warm-hearted and straightforward.

丽娜梅是一个坦率直爽的军人,她为战争做好自己的职责。Lena Mae is an upfront, straight professional, and she's doing her part for the war effort.

北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners.

我只知道他们在保持情侣关系上是很直爽的,不管是开始还是结束恋情。I do know that they’re pretty linear in terms of keeping a relationship – whether they end it or start it.

傅清华工作勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,对党忠诚老实,胸怀坦荡,性格直爽。Fu Qinghua work diligently, work conscientiously, the party faithful honest, forthright mind, character Zhishuang.

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直爽而不流于粗俗,热心助人,使我获得了绝佳的人缘。Frank does not flow in vulgarly , helps the human warm-heartedly, caused me to obtain the good personal connection.

我是一个典型的90后,也是一个典型的射手座女孩。特立独行,爱好自由,同时也很率真、很直爽。I am a typical 90, is a typical Sagittarius girl. Independent, freedom-loving, but also very frank, very straightforward.

我们这亲爱的朋友对待大人物和她对待地位低微的人一样直爽。In her commerce with the great our dear friend showed the same frankness which distinguished her transaction with the lowly.