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末期大致是早期的逆向。Telophase is roughly the reverse of prophase.

那时已是三叠纪末期。This was towards the end of the Triassic period.

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90年代中期到末期开发工具概览The development tool landscape of the mid-to-late 90s

这里是十五世纪末期的英格兰。It is the end of the 15th century in medieval England.

理查二世是英格兰在十四世纪末期的统治者。Richard II was King of England back in the late 1300s.

事实上,90年代末期,甚至还出现了财政盈余,-没错。In fact, by the late '90s they're just surplus. -Right.

出生日时体重过低被推论是末期肾病致病原因之一。The cause of end stage renal disease is multifactorial.

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这在19世纪末期后就结束了。This went out at the end of the 19th century, and so on.

到七十年代末期,卡佛夫妇也已经戒酒。Also, by the late '70s, Carver and his wife had sobered up.

泥盆纪末期是脊椎动物出现很的关键时期。The end of the Devonian was a crucial time for vertebrates.

周末,学校假期和旅行末期都是高峰期。Weekends, school holidays and end-of-term trips are busiest.

桂花糕创制于明朝末期。Sweet-scented osmanthus cake created in the late Ming Dynasty.

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为什么香料在15世纪末期的欧洲如此贵重?Why were spices so highly valued in late 15th- century Europe?

到本世纪头十年的末期,皮拉马尔成为了印度第三大制药公司。By the late 2000s Piramal was India's third-largest drugs firm.

到20世纪90年代末期,某些型号的订单甚至排到了两年后。By the late 1990s, certain models were back-ordered for two years.

末期细胞分裂为两个次级精母细胞。In telophase the cell was divided into two secondary spermatocytes.

另一些花粉母细胞在末期具有微核。There were micronucleus at telophase in another pollen mother cells.

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他们在1960年代末期不约而同地来到美国。They moved to the United States at different times in the late 1960s.

笋子生长前期、中期和末期各占25天。Their growth might be divided into three phases, each lasting 25 days.

显微镜检查,电子子宫肌,平滑妊娠末期。Microscopy, electron Uterus Muscle, smooths Pregnancy trimester, third.