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用来做斜角的一种钻头。A bit that is used for beveling.

他正在把梁木的边截成斜角。He is canting the edge of a beam.

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那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。The bevel of that picture frame was damaged.

斜角的臀部口袋,背面贴边口袋按钮。Angled hip pockets, button-through back welt pockets.

小约翰以斜角大力射门,球射飞了。Little John blasted an angled shot well wide of the goal.

提出了斜角切削热力模型。A thermomechanical model for oblique cutting was proposed.

袋盖由槽钮扣合,其边角呈斜角。The slotted button closure pocket flap corners are angled.

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斜角手皮革滚边口袋,背面贴边口袋。Angled hand pockets with leather piping, back welt pockets.

在斜角和浮雕底纹设置为视角-90这一层。In Bevel and Emboss set Shading Angle to -90 for this layer.

这一款有一个木把手,斜角要卡在量角器上。Shown here with a wooden handle. The bevel is set from a protractor.

直到辛克莱禁区斜角的梦幻施射才破门。That was until Sinclair cracked it home with a fantastic diagonal shot.

第二个模型是一个与地面成45度斜角的平面阵列。The second model was a flat-panel array that was mounted at 45 degrees.

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在超声引导下行斜角肌间神经阻滞,我们知道哪里是神经外膜吗?In ultrasound-guided interscalene block, do we know where the epineurium is?

本机主要用于泡绵斜角切片工作,是加工各种特殊泡绵斜角产品的必须设备。It is necessary to manufacturing all kinds of especial foam rubber beveled product.

此类击打方式还包含这个沿斜角从高到低的动作的一切合理的变化。This strike includes all logical variations on this diagonal, upper-to-lower motion.

设计成斜角的链条扣和圆角牙盘,用来改善变速。A series of chain rings with bevelled and cutaway teeth designed to improve shifting.

最终,美国海军选定9度角的斜角甲板,这个标准一直沿用到了今天。Eventually, the U. S. Navy settled on a 9-degree angle, which remains standard today.

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其切割速度快、热变形小,但割口宽度和切割面斜角较大。The cutting speed, small thermal deformation, but cut width mouth and cut face big bevel.

平面、斜角及抛光是一个统一体,刀的表面不得有划痕。Flatness, bevels, and finishes are to be uniform. Blade surfaces must be free from scratches.

模拟结果指出具54.7度斜角开孔的蒸镀遮罩与基板的距离必须缩短以提高蒸镀图形的解析度。We also compared with experimental results by changing the aperture size of 54.7 degree mask.