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厉行节约在克莱斯勒公司是一件新鲜事。Austerity was a new idea at Chrysler.

在这种艰苦情况下,我们必须厉行节约。We must Hooverize under such a hard condition.

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这是厉行节约的一个出色范例。This is an outstanding example of strict economy.

尤其提出厉行节约,节省能源。In particular, make efforts to save, to save energy.

佐格比表示,年轻人正在学习厉行节约。Zogby said younger people are learning to economize.

我们的收入减少了,现在我们必须厉行节约。Our income has decreased and now we must practise strict economy.

相比之下,欧元区成员国为了削减巨额财政赤字,未来几年内必须厉行节约。In contrast, eurozone members face years of austerity to reduce large fiscal deficits.

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随着我国经济的发展,中华民族厉行节约的传统观念受到了极大的冲击。As the economy develops, the Chinese traditional notion of saving has been impacted strongly.

青海省已于22日发出通知,要求全省上下厉行节约,压缩支出,全力救灾。Qinghai Thursday urged the whole province to practice economy and cut spending to boost relief efforts.

为了提高劳动生产率,我们尽量降低消耗,厉行节约,反对浪费。We try to lower consumption, practice strict economy and combat waste in order to raise labor productivity.

但是救助计划带来的削减预算和厉行节约却放大了其他成员国对德国的不满情绪。But the budget cuts and other austerity measures that go along with the bailouts have only further inflamed the rest of Europe against Germany.

这大多是你们——我亲爱的读者们的功劳,同时还多亏了我一直以来奉行的“方针”——厉行节约、杜绝负债、能省则省——也就是所谓的理财绝招。A lot of that is thanks to you guys, the readers, but it’s also thanks to frugality, to eliminating debt, to saving as much as I can. To these hacks.

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对于一个厉行节约又关系融洽的家庭来说,留守假期是个很不错的点子。今天讨论的问题就是要大家来场头脑风暴,看都有什么好点子能与我们分享Staycations are a great idea for a frugal, relationship-centered family. Today's discussion question requires you to brainstorm some ideas and share them with us

英国的三明治市场向来以五花八门的夹心馅料闻名,但为了厉行节约,英国零售商玛莎百货返璞归真地在三明治中用起了草莓酱。The British sandwich market is noted for an exotic mix of fillings, but retailer Marks and Spencer, responding to frugal times, has gone back to basics with a strawberry jam sandwich.

当缺少发展必需的资金时,在保证经济安全和独立的前提下,既要厉行节约,自我积累,又要吸引外来资金。When lacking the essential developmental fund, under the condition of economic security and independent premise, we must carry on thrift, self-accumulation, and attract the foreign fund.

面临中国现在的形式,中央高层批示将“厉行节约”,此次阅兵,既要隆重热烈、鼓舞人心,也要注意节俭、务求实效。China is now faced with the form, the central high-level instruction will be "austerity", the parade, both grand and warm and inspiring, but also pay attention to thrift, and seek practical results.