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款子是通过银行汇寄的。Remittance was made through a bank.

我们能否将利润汇寄到国外?Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?

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若贵方汇寄支票付款,我方将十分感谢。We shall be greatly obliged if you will remit us a check for the goods.

你可以在下一个窗口用电汇寄这笔钱。You can send this money order by telegraphic transfer at the next window.

该怎样向国外汇寄其利润与股息和从国外汇回资本?How does a company remit its profits and dividends and repatriate capital abroad?

去年十二月送上货物一批,请汇寄支票付款,甚谢。We shall feel greatly obliged if you will remit us a cheque for the goods supplied you in December last.

有时候买方将支付给代理人的佣金扣除,把购货的净金额汇寄给卖方。Sometimes the buyer deduct a commission for the agent and remit the net amount of purchase to the seller.

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出贷后,您只需将发票付本交给我们,那个进口保理商就会处理您的应收赊款并最终汇寄给您。After sales, you submit the copy of invoices to us. The import factor handles your collection and finally remitted to you.

关于货款,我们建议按照这个价格实际售出货物的总额汇寄你方。With regard to payment , our suggestion is that we will remit you the total amount at this price for the quantity actually sold.

会费连同会员档案表一起由邮局汇寄,协会即核发会员证。You will receive the membership card awarded by Association soon after you sent the fee and member application table through post office.

“交货前汇付”指定买方把全部货款汇寄卖方,款到后卖方就装运货物。"Cash before Shipment" stands for that the buyer remits the full amount of money to the seller, upon receipt of which, the seller ships the goods.

什么地汇寄自己们报道是有些宽广地,和,当商场演化契合供给经费给全球性商业地请求,因而自己们地内容改动啦。The remit of what we cover is somewhat broad, and as the market evolves to meet the requirements of financing global trade, so our content has changed.

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请贵公司尽快汇寄运动鞋的最佳价目表和带有图片的商品目录,并给于最优惠的报价。We ask you kindly deliver us as soon as possible your latest price list of your sports shoes with the lowest quotations,together woth an illustrated catalogue.

请贵公司尽快汇寄运动鞋的最佳价目表和带有图片的商品目录,并给于最优惠的报价。We ask you kindly deliver us as soon as possible your latest price list of your sports shoes with the lowest quotations, together woth an illustrated catalogue.

登山团队应当在开展登山活动30日前,将预算的全部金额汇寄到自治区登山管理部门。A mountaineering team shall, 30 days before mountaineering, remit all the budgetary funds to the administrative department of mountaineering of Tibet Autonomous Region.

自2005年以来,因全球经济动荡,食品与燃料日益高涨,印尼因其现金汇寄方案帮助了1900万困难家庭而广受赞誉。Since 2005 Indonesia has won praise for cash-transfer schemes directed at the country’s 19m poorest households at a time of rising food and fuel prices, followed by global turmoil.

对外贸易的货款如果采用汇付,由买方按合同约定的条件和时间,将货款通过银行主动汇寄给卖方。When remittance is adopted in international trade, the buyer on his own initiative remits money to the seller through a bank according to the terms and time stipulated in the contract.

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世界上的国家,尤其是低收入国家,仍然深受影响,因为全球经济危机破坏了出口,减少了汇寄,抑制了旅游并降低了他们的投资。Countries around the world, particularly low income countries, are still suffering as global economic crisis undermines exports, cuts remittances, curbs tourism and lowers their investment.