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苞片和花萼星状毡毛状。Bracts and calyx stellate pannose.

花萼围绕在花瓣的外层。Calyx encloses an unopened flower bud.

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钟状的花萼很美丽。The bell of a flower is very beautiful.

洛神葵的肉质花萼可食。The fleshy red calyxes of roselle are edible.

背面花萼具针叶象一样皮刺。Abaxial surface of calyx with needle-like prickles.

轴,苞,花梗和花萼具腺柔毛。Rachises , bracts, pedicels, and calyces glandular pilose.

花萼通常是绿色的,它能保护花芽。The sepal is usually green. It can protect the flower bud.

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花萼的明亮的粉红色颜料,食品着色剂。Calyx of the bright pink pigment, the coloring agent in food.

花萼裂片边缘具小齿或有锯齿,至少一旦近先端。Calyx segment margin denticulate or serrate, at least once near apex.

生长的,增加的开花之后在体积上的增长,如樱桃花萼的生长。Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.

深深的花萼5裂,增大,在果期在核果的基部的宿存的。Calyx deeply 5-lobed, accrescent , persistent at base of drupe in fruit.

普通认为,前者的花瓣与毛茛属植物花萼同源。The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus.

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所以后来的人,就用“花萼”来比喻兄弟的友爱。That's why the term "flower and calyx" has come to be used to refer to brotherly affection.

结果表明,花瓣、苞片和花萼上、下表皮均有气孔分布。The results showed that stomata distributed in upper and lower epidermis of petal, bract and calyx.

花萼钟状,管状,漏斗状,有时二唇形的或,5齿的通常短截形或。Calyx campanulate, tubular, or funnelform, sometimes 2-lipped, usually truncate or shortly 5-dentate.

嫩枝、叶柄、叶背、花序、花萼和荚果密被毡毛。Young shoots, petioles, abaxial surface of leaves, inflorescence, calyces and pods densely tomentose.

荔枝花蜜腺呈盘状,位于子房和花萼之间的花托上。The floral nectary in Litchi chinensis is a disc nectary located between calyx and ovary on receptacle.

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凤梨科的模式属,包括有深裂花萼的热带美洲植物。The type genus of the family brome liaceae which incudes tropical american plants with deeply cleft calyx.

花萼和花瓣均为紫红色,花瓣边缘流苏状并有一排粉红色的胡须状长柔毛。Each flower has rose-colored sepals and petals, the petals fringed and lined with long, pink whiskery hairs.

在天晴的时候可以看见太阳,像一朵紫色的花,从花萼里射出光芒。In calm weather the sun could be seen, looking like a purple flower, with the light streaming from the calyx.