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他们以诉讼威逼他。They threatened him with a lawsuit.

四十个严冬威逼着你的青春面容。When forty winters shall besiege thy brow.

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警察怎样威逼他也没法使他招认。The police could not browbeat him into confessing.

行事激进的雅格先生倾向于威逼员工。The aggressive Mr Jager tended to intimidate employees.

老板威逼我接受所有这个额外的工作。The boss browbeat me into taking on all this extra work.

那些流氓威逼我交出钱包给他们。The hoodlums strong-armed me into giving them my wallet.

两十万秦卒跟随,威逼实在太大了。Two hundred thousand QinBing follow, the threat is too great.

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其后,明明再与嘉惠会面,并威逼她向金生下毒。Mingming later meets Jiahui and forces her to poison Jinsheng.

田少爷听到这里,不再威逼花父还钱。Tian Master heard here, no longer spend money into the father.

在街上,人们被刀威逼着脱下外套和鞋子。People were stripped of their coat and shoes at knife-point on the street.

这让伊朗反美势力认为美国对他们执行的始终是一种威逼利诱的手段。This makes a so-called carrot-and-stick approach to Tehran counterproductive.

并且威逼利诱受难者家属保持沉默。It says they also tried to silence the victims' relatives with bribes and threats.

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他把哈利和纳威逼到了绝境,就在这时他被婴儿头的食死徒分了心。He has Harry and Neville cornered, when he's distracted by the baby-faced Death Eater.

学长学姐对不通世故的学弟学妹威逼利诱,诈取珍贵的卡片。Older pupils would fleece younger, less sophisticated ones to get hold of prized cards.

有个年轻人现出心慌意乱的样子,威逼女士们,要她们让开。A young man, looking distraught, pounced down on the ladies and begged them to move aside.

仗势欺人者在谈判时总是又吼又叫,强迫对方作出决定,甚至威逼恐吓。The bully negotiates by yelling and screaming, forcing issues, and threatening the other party.

纠察人员,纵使那些蛮横的群众集结去威逼他们,也不准许本身被激怒。The pickets did not permit themselves to be provoked despite the unruly crowds that gathered to hector them.

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一六三三年,伽利略在宗教裁判所的威逼之下,宣布放弃自己的地动论。Under duress from the Inquisition in 1633, Galileo recanted his theory that the earth revolves around the sun.

曾经能够预见到一个强盛的帝国统治被法院裁决削去,正在威逼着他们的存在。It has seen its once formidable empire whittled away by court decisions, which now threaten its very existence.

再次,核理论家们也早已注意到他们所谓的“威慑”和“威逼”之间的区别。Finally, nuclear theologians have long noted the difference between what they call "deterrence" as against "compellence.