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是我心衣饰的得体仪容。Is but the seemly raiment of my heart.

你常于哪里购买衣饰?。Which district do you shop frequently?

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四岁的她修改并搭配自己的衣饰。The 4-year-old altered and put her own outfits together.

这张是我站在一家卖名族风衣饰的店里向着外面拍的…I took this photo when I was standing by a clothing shop.

我生平没有看见过任何东西比她们的衣饰更讲究。I never in my life saw anything more elegant than their dresses.

我生平没有看见过任何东西比她们的衣饰更讲究。I never in my life saw any thing more elegant than their dresses.

她从衣饰中选出最华丽的一件长衫,取出她的珠宝。She chose the most splendid gown she had, and took out her jewels.

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苏里和她最新衣饰都是狗仔队跟拍的主题。Suri and her latest outfit are now a favorite subject for the paparazzi.

第二章论述清代文官衣饰制度的变迁。The second chapter discusses the vicissitude of civil official dress system.

现在这位大牌造型师向我们透露了每个人衣橱中不可缺少的五件衣饰,不管你是男人还是女人。Now, she tells us the five must-haves for everybody's closet, male or female.

她两肩的华丽衣饰,鬈缩的头发,很可能使他犹豫不决。The splendour of her shoulders, her frizzy hair might have made him doubtful.

我的诗歌卸掉妆饰,她没有衣饰的骄傲。My song has put off her adornments . She has no pride of dress and decoration.

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我生平没有看见过任何东西比她们的衣饰更讲究。I never in my life saw any thing more elegant than their dresses. I dare say the lace upon Mrs.

那时,披着不同颜色衣饰的骑士们,骑着马参加比武和其他赛事。At the time, horses competed in jousts and other contests under the colors of different knights.

政界和工商界人士普遍衣饰讲究,言行举止规矩大方。People in political circles and business circles spend much time on clothing, they have good manners.

在金斯利别墅四周的湖中,沉落着一具女尸。金斯利的园丁比尔由尸体衣饰认定是他的妻子。In Kingsley villa nearby lake, sinking a female corpse. Kingsley gardener Bill by the body as his wife.

第二,名人们通常看起来都穿昂贵的衣饰,坐名贵香车,住奢华豪宅,这些都是大多数人无法承担支付的。Secondly, celebrities are often seen in expensive clothing, cars, and homes that most people cannot afford.

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一个人的性格或品性可通过她的穿着体现出来,如衣饰的质量,颜色的搭配,以及风格的样式。The quality, color combination and style of the cloths one wears actually reflect his nature and class of character.

那时葛婆子就会给她戴上一个小风兜,因为珍妮已经把味丝搭的衣饰备得很充足。Gerhardt would fasten on one of her little hoods, for in these days Jennie kept Vesta's wardrobe beautifully replete.

宽松,苗条,贴身,披垂或者任何适合你和你身型但不显得过紧的衣饰是最好的。Loose, slightly clingy or drapey things are best, or else things that just fit you and your shape well but not tight.