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辩护人因传唤法官而被判藐视法庭。The advocate was held in contempt for subpoenaing the judge.

一个或一组高级律师也称之为辩护人。A barrister or a group of barrister is referred to as "counsel".

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一个或一组高级状师也称之为辩护人。A barrister or a group of barristers is referred to as 'counsel'.

有没有人可以在神面前作为我的中保和辩护人?Is there someone who can be my mediator, my vindicator before God?

我的辩护人是著名刑事辩护律师克拉伦斯。达罗。The for my defence was the famous criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow.

我们来到他们面前的是全套的专业队伍,有辩护人,有代理人。We come before them, too, in full professional force-counsel and agent.

他的辩护人劝告他在他们会面之前保持沉默。His counsel counseled him to say nothing about the affair before they met.

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辩护人提出的下一个问题使证人吱吱晤晤答不上来。The next question from counsel left the witness flounder about for an answer.

其辩护人在事实与法律适用方面行使辩护权,均不应受到限制。However, the right of defence of counsels should not be subject to such limitation.

自诉案件的被告人有权随时委托辩护人。The accused in a private prosecution has the right to entrust defenders at any time.

我确实知道为我伸冤者还活著,我的辩护人要在地上起立。For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth.

这两名青少年将由马歇尔县公诉辩护人罗杰·伯林代表出庭辩护。The two juveniles are being represented by Marshall County public defender Roger Bolin.

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辩护人芯板可为木板、胶合板、硬质纤维板、塑料板、玻璃等。Paraclete core board can be board, plywood, horniness beaverboard, plastic board, glass.

辩护人的律师们对判决进行上诉而埃及的总检察官提起无罪。The defenders' lawyers appeal sentences and Egypt's general prosecutor appeal the acquittals.

刚才辩护人说的都是题外话,他应该抓住主题。What the defender has just said is neither there nor there. He should try to keep to the topic.

侦查阶段聘请的律师不构成辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪的主体。If what is obstructed is only the extrinsic evidences of civil procedure, the crime is not constituted.

陈希同的上诉理由及二审辩护人的辩护意见不能成立,不予采纳。Chen's grounds of appeal and the views of the second trial the defense counsel can not be set up against it.

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在刑事辩护活动中,提出无罪或罪轻的证据不应当是辩护人的责任。In criminal cases, presenting evidence of innocence or misdemeanor should not be the responsibility of the counsels.

如果判案明显不公平,故意与人为难,或者欺压一方,辩护人和原告有没有申明抗辩的自由?Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious , or oppressive?

卢班嘎和他的辩护人也可以否认这些指控,可以提出相反地证明证据。And Thomas Lubanga re his counsel can object to the charges, and they can even challenge the evidence presented by the prosecutor.