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东亚人通常是干燥的耳垢。East Asians commonly have dry earwax.

耳垢分为干态和湿态两种。Earwax comes in two types, wet and dry.

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东方亚洲人通常会有干的耳垢。East Asians commonly have "dry" earwax.

检查耳道有无耳垢。D. Inspect canal for buildup of cerumen.

注意任何的耳垢或者耳屎可能会影响你的视线。Note any cerumen or earwax that may impair your view.

就算没什么别的效果,双氧水在分解耳垢方面也很有效。If nothing else, H2O2 does effectively break up ear wax.

耳垢可以防止污垢,异物和昆虫进入耳内。It traps dirt and other matter and it keeps insects out.

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耳朵里的蜡油保持耳朵不被太干,所以耳垢是有好处的。And the wax oil keeps ears from getting too dry, so earwax is good.

在右边外听道有许多塞住的耳垢。There is much impacted cerumen over the right external acoustic canal.

耳垢堵塞耳道会引起轻度的听力下降。Obstruction of the ear canal by wax causes a relatively mild hearing loss.

人们相信这样做耳烛可以提取耳垢,去除毒素。People doing that believe ear candling can extract ear wax and remove toxins.

一些人耳孔内分泌耳垢的腺体过多。The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.

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一些人耳道内的腺体会分泌太多的耳垢。The glanze in the ear cannel that produce the wax make too much in some people.

在有些人中,耳道中的腺体会产生过多的耳垢。The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.

除耳蚤剂有效地杀除耳蚤及有助清楚耳垢。It effectively kills ear mites and ear ticks , plus aids in the removel of ear wax.

耳烛疗者认为这样有助于去除耳垢,治疗某些感染。People who do it say it's helpful for relieving earwax and treating some infections.

该基因可以控制细胞排出物质以分泌耳垢。The gene's role seems to be to export substances out of the cells that secrete earwax.

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如果一个人从父母双方那都遗传了被A取代后的基因变种,那么这个人会具有干态耳垢特征。People who inherit the version of the gene that has A from both parents have dry earwax.

国立卫生研究所的专家说,矿物油、甘油和滴耳液可以使耳垢软化。The experts at N. I. H. say the wax can be softened with mineral oil, glycerin or ear drops.

但是过多的耳垢可能会硬化,形成栓塞,干扰声波的接收,减弱听力。But extra wax can harden and form a blockage that interferes with soundwaves and reduces hearing.